Commercial Graduates Basketball Club (anadian, International and World (hampions EDMONTON, ALBERTA Dear Friend: Our annual birthday party -- our twenty-third -- will be held in the banquet room of the Corona Hotel on Wednesday, Nov- ember 16. Dinner will be served at exactly 6.30 p.m. A Splendid program is in preparation. The cost of tickets will be 75¢ each, with the club assum- ing all expenses not covered by this amount. Those of you who have attended these parties in the past will recall that the seating space in the banquet room is limited to exactly 100, and this makes it necessary for us to know well in advance of the date just who will be present so that the seats may be arranged accordingly. Will you please be good enough to secure your tickets from Helen Northup, c-o Willson's Stationery Store, or, in case it is not convenient to do so, telephone her and have your tickets set aside. You may then secure them at the hotel on the night of the banquet. Failing to hear from you, we shall assume that you will not be present. This invitation is being sent to many of our friends who, by reason of the long distance between their homes and Edmonton, cannot possibly attend. If you should be one of these, perhaps you would be good enough to send a few lines of greeting to the Club. All such letters will be read during the evening. Please remember the time: Wednesday, November 16; dinner at 6.50 p.m. sharp. Sincerely yours, Edmonton "Grads" Over a period of 23 years the Grads” have won 467 official contests out of a total of 484 played Pe ee