FP: December 6, 1 9386 Mire Fred Pralle, Phillips Petroleum Cos, Bartlesville, Oklahomm. . | Dear Freddie: I want you to know how swell it was oi’ you to come up and make the evening of December 5 a wonderful success. You were your same old self and everybody took you in with open armmse Iagain thank you end Sylvester Selmidt for doing a ewoll jobe on the find by the way, Freddie, I want to congratulate step that you are about to takes That is emetiy what make a great success of life. ‘You have the enthusiasn ai gus bo eunourage ani to ini you to an spot es ee sens 66 ee aif oie g end 1 want to extend reaiprocal congratulations to you both. I am awfully shocked to leam thet ies Wood has diphtheria. i trust it is in its lightest form and will not cause eny great ine conveniences -You will remember that I met iiss ood in front of Carl's Agein, thenk you very mush for your usual fine response to our urgent requeste Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical — FCAsAH | ' Varsity Sasketball Coache