HEADQUARTERS FOURTH ARMORED DIVISION A. P. O. 254 U. S. ARMY IN REPLY REFER TO: Regensburg, Germany 28 january, 1916 pr. F. GC. Allen, pirector atheletics Yniversity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas pear pr. Alien; the boys here are following with much interest your consistently fine basketball teams, this year being no exception. as a life-time Jayhawker, with exception of 3 years in this man's army, would very much appreciate your sending 2 complete schedule of your 195-6 games, also the scores to date. we are likewise interested in knowing how Kansas came out in = tournament held in December. ut. Bill xline was until recently a member of this organization. He is now discharged and ] presume living with his family in Hutchinson. Bill is a brother of john, 3 former member of one of your.excellient ball teams. we were recently looking over one of the publications your wrote relative to boys youtve coached of yester- years, but who are now or were in the service. we enjoyed it im mensely. — where is your son itt now? you will not remember me but about 20 years ago when witt was about 10, then my age, he used to come out to our farm, which was near the Hemphillts, and ride our ponies to the nearby creeks, where we had mich fun fishing and swimming. Although [ anticipate being discharged from the service within the next 60 days, T trust we shall hear from you before then. with pest wishes for continued fine Kansas basketball teams, and Kindest personal Regards to you and your family, Jam “> hog & Pe Be oH. Set. > _ ’ B/b PeSe Home address; Manager Fidelity Imsurance agency, Leavenworth, Kansas