Merch 15, 1959. I aa cory Zor the delay in anowering your good letter of the Srd instante It will be a pleasure to - autograph for you both "My Basketball Bible" and “Setter Baskethbali" e x a wary: hana thet you Sted the tthe, About the only advice that I could give you would be to suggest that you write to Mre Edwards or Mr. Maddox of the Bastman Kodak Company, the firm thet shot the silent Nin, and write to Chuck Taylor of “Alson Company, Chicago. ‘Taylor could give you the name of the Kansas City, lissouri, fim that shot the movie talkies iI think the firm was Forrest Calvin Canpanye I an sorry that I do not have the address. Converse, Wilson Company, and the Phillips Petroleun Com pany shared in the expenses , I spend about 20 to $0 minutes each day on practice drills as diagrezmed in the book. I use the slow much more than the fast break. In my opinion a team should never attempt to fast break miless they have mastered the _ fundamentals of bell handling. ‘The diagrams ere for devel= oping a slow break offense « either high school or college. If there are any other questions that you desire to : ask please do not hesitate to write me. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches ,