October 25, 1937, Mr, Lester Pojezny, 1232 Louisiana Ste, Lawrenee, Kansas, Dear Lester: : Last summer you checked out a basketball, and I am wondering if it has been returned, Will you please get in touch with me at my office, 105 Robinson Gymnasium, and let me know what. a ee if any, has been made of the ball, because I am responsible for it? Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH Director of Physical Education. Mr, FP, lb, Pinet, Secretary, — Kansas Teachers Association, Topeke, Kansas, I am wondering if it would be in line with the policy of the Kansas State Teachers Association to admit the senior majors of our department toe some of the sessions. of the Teachers’ Convention, without their peying the $2.00 enrollment fee, | fhe session that I have in mind pertic- _ulerly is the Health an@ Physical Education program Sa ay morning at 9:30 o'clock, in the University Gy UM. | I am a member of the Kansas State Teachers Assocation for the coming > having sent fee to iiss Mateel Rich, in Dean R, A, Sehwegler*s office, Very cordially yours, FCA3AH Director of Physical Education, ‘ ARTHUR T. CHAPIN, Principal GEORGE W. DAVIS, Vice-Principal — NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI ie 7 Cate . Peeiereree Gr | (Ata F I Bex 1g - a 7 Cee ore ll ue. Sar eB eS . Nip sil dinate Moet December 14, 1987+ tire Je Pe Page, ; Saumtbnne athutlag Sapdae Dear Coach Pages : Thank you for your Christmas greeting out a new | oe on voalky Book Coapany of New Yorke I was happy to hear from yous With every good wish to you and Mrse Page, len - Sincerely yours, Divector of : Edueation, Varsity Coaths PCAsAH R. E. PETERS, President . BERT E. FENENGA, Vice-Pres. C. E. POTTER, Sec'y-Treas. Kansas City St. Louis St. James MISSOURI STATE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC COACHES ASSOCIATION Ba. £€ 4b J 63 Be Gene He Renna Pe Rice apt. Meret, A ze a] DIRECTORS OFFICERS a amen Wm. BEERE, PRESIDENT eee Cc. E. LEWIS, SECRETARY FRANK HUEBNER Denmark Academy HAROLD SMALLEY. TREASURER R. C. MECKLENBURG JOHN W. JARVIS High School DENMARK, IOWA Jt. 29,7937 ADAM MILLER, SUPERINTENDENT Fotrdt 0, gthe YO ys Fy gg. i. Saat , Acs. SGLaw Wr. Gli ny 2 cone Bo errtu ‘er ae \ a ARTHUR T. CHAPIN, Principal NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI mA. pea Arcee Kat. (La OS a GEORGE W. DAVIS, Vice- Principal & be ee ee Ee & ee ee pees ae December 23, 1937+ Dre Je We Poole, Treasurer, Norcatur Rural High School, Norcatur, Nansase Deas Dre Poole: we txed to make it a0. _ The book sells for $4.00, end we will be glad to pay the postage. If you will write me what you desire in the book I ena ieee fe were glad 00 thy 1 ee eee oe as oe ok oe noney's worthe We appreciate, and I em sure the readers will be in~ tensely interested in your autographing the bool. I, myself, have that she was i with ealls for the book. As a matter of interest I am@olosing co of letters that I am writins to sane of the book compenies in Chicago.” the 1 E E E a ER é 1 f tt ; : I am sending you a mimeographed deseripticn re« pote ae oe & ieee Par If you will send me a check for / a ae desires in the mtters— simlcing you for your antotyated order, T an : Dr. J. W. Pont Se PREVENTATIVE AND RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY Norratur, Kansas 12.21.37. Dr F.C .Allen., Lawrence Kansas. University, Of Kansas:- Deat Sirj- I am interested in your Book "My Basket Ball Bible" and wish to know where I may be able to purc mse one, and, the cost of same. I fave in mind making it a presentation to our High Sc mol Activity Association Library, I lmppen to be treasurer of tre Norcatur Rural ‘igh Se lool, and, thought something of this nature would be of a lasting benifit, Would appreciate your early reply to the above., Yours truly., Ht . December 24, 1987s tse, w ie sr Tena — Kenses City, Woe Dear lire Paynes Zompect to be in Hansas City Montag — morning bvebween 10 and 12 o*clonlks T em leaving for Des ee ‘ ball tonns ei ep et oe ee ee between 10 and 12, Thani: you or your good letters With best yuletide creetings, I am Sincerely yours, Vncobty Danial oath De. FF, CC. BLien Kansas University Athletic Department Robertson Gymnasium Lawerence, Kansas, Dear Sir: The next time you are in Kansas City please stop by my. office as there has been a Christmas present left in my care for you from Mr. Lee Hamilton. : Yours very truly, Wo Re Payne. WRP:MH. December 50, 1987e Drs Je We Pool, Noveatur, Mansage Rear Tre Pools : Your check for $4.00 for one copy of "Netter Basketball” tas been received, and I an mailing a copy of the boolr te you today, postpaid, Thanking you for your order, I am Sincerely yours, Varsity Dasketbell Coach, Director of Physical Education. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS December 23 s 1937. Dre Je We Poole, Treasurer, Norcatur Rural High School, Norcatur, Kansase Dear Dre Poole: It was very nice of you to write me concerning my new book, “Better Basketball". My old book, “My Basketball Bible" has just gone out of print, but I think my new book, “Better Basket- ball", is the last thing in basketball, if you will pardon me for being enthusiastic about it. I worked for over two years on the publication of it, and I believe that I have somethings At least, I have tried to make it 80e The book sells for $4.00, and we will be glad to pay the postagee If you will write me what you desire in the book I will be glad to follow your wishes and will autograph it for you. I feel certain that your high school activity association library will enjoy ite I have just received a letter from Mr. Neal Wherry, principal of the Lawrence High School, and he states that he has ordered four copies for the Lawrence High Schoole Quoting from his letter he says: “It is generous for you to write as you dide We were glad to buy the books because we thought that we got our money's worth. We appreciate, end I am sure the readers will be in- tensely interested in your eutographing the book. I, myself, have enjoyed reading the book, and our librarian reports the other day that she was swamped with calls for the book. As a matter of interest I am amclosing copies of letters that I am writing te some of the book companies in Chicago." He further states: “We are very enthusiastic about the book and think that the teachers and students of any high school should be.” ~ ‘ th «> | I am sending you a mimeographed description re- gerding the contents of the booke If you will send me a check for $4.00, making it out to Mrs. Forrest C. Allen, we baa follew your desires in the mattere , f as a. Thanking you for your anticipated order, I am oe TEP ee preer ige December 14, 19376. lire Knight’ Prophett, College Department, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 381 Fourth Avenue, New tork City, Nets Dear les Prophetts Confirming our conversetion of Monday, December 13, concerning the text Personal Applied, eixth edition, by Je F. Williams, at I have checked up with our department — and find that approximately 35 copies were used by the Personal Health cless this years The students purchased them through Rowlands Book Store. It was a pleasure to have you drop in, aud I trust tint when you sre throuch Lawrenve maban you will etop in and see use. Very siteerely yours, — | FOAsaH oe Director of Physical Bducations Methods. and. Materials. of Health Education JESSE FEIRING WILLIAMS, M.D., Columbia University and FANNIE B. SHAW, M.A., University of Florida Cloth, 12 mo. 331 Pages $2.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I DEFINITIONS Il THe NATURE OF THE CHILD III HEALTHFUL SCHOOL LIVING IV HEALTH SERVICE V THE ROLE OF OFFICIAL AND NON-OFFICIAL ORGANIZATIONS IN HEALTH EDUCATION VI CONSTRUCTION OF THE CURRICULUM VIL HEALTH INSTRUCTION MATERIALS FOR TEACHING HEALTH IX Tests AND MEASUREMENTS IN HEALTH EDUCATION axe THE HEALTH OF THE TEACHER THOMAS NELSON AND SONS 381 FOURTH AVENUE ° NEW YORK ne Methods. and Materials of Health fducation JESSE FEIRING WILLIAMS, M.D., Columbia University and FANNIE B. SHAW, M.A., University of Florida A book that will help every classroom teacher to realize the aims of the new Health Education Program GF This text presents in simple and clear fashion the modern methods and materials of health education for teachers in service. Each of the ten chapters is preceded by an outline of the material contained in it. At the end of each chapter is a list of pertinent questions for study and discussion. The instruction given is concrete and definite. The material is usable in the classroom. Graphs, charts and forms aid the teacher in applying the instruction given in the text to her actual classroom situations. Note both the logical and the psychological organization of the book in the table of contents given on the back of this circular. The first chapter gives the definitions of health education in all its aspects. The chart on page 10 shows clearly the divisions of school health education and their relationships with each other. Chapter Two discusses “The Nature of the Child’ under such headings as (a) New Concepts of the Child, (b) Health Education as a Practical Art, (c) Growth and Development, (d) The Normal Child, (e¢) The Emotional Nature of the Child, and (f) The Economics of Illness. The material on child nature in this chapter will be found helpful in many cases of maladjusted children. Other chapters deal with Healthful School Living, Health Service, Con- struction of the Health Curriculum, Health Instruction, Materials for Teaching Health, Tests and Measurements in Health Education, and The Health of the Teacher. Price $2.00 THOMAS NELSON AND SONS 381 FOURTH AVENUE e NEW YORK ln KNIGHT PROPHETT COLLEGE DEPARTMENT THOMAS NELSON & SONS 381 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK December 15, 1957. ‘Mare Le Re Perry, lawrence Junior High Sehool, Lawrence, Kensas, Dear “Dad"s Here are sane that were used din ies Siew ‘hag Slee » Which I thought you might like to haves Perhaps you could use sme of them on your bulletin boards Cordially yours, March 22, 1958s 4 gntli ae AE gyit sy ‘ i: ae a Wie uf: Ai ie Big Ht fh ua a wid at, Utz WW Hi int mind? I will bo happy to hear frais yous ~ ‘With ewory good wish, I an Varsity Basketball Coaches. FCA 2A February 28, 1938 I do net know whether you had learned it or not, but Tad Reid, the athletic director of Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri, has resigned. The amouncement came a woek ago, but it Mimelly filtered through my thick skull that I should write you at once arid let you know about ite doubtless be moved up as director of athletics. He is feotball coache You know the president there, Dre Deamer, who was superintendent of schools at Excelsior Springs, Missouri, when Louie Menze was coaching theres Dre Deamer married Jessie Casbeldt. You will remember her and wae Sou anne play end fer us when were on our teame You have been wanting to get dom in our part of the comtry and I have feverishly kept en anxious look for a job for you, but 1% never has materialized. Since you are a graduate of the Teashers College end Mimnesota, I see nc reason why you shouldn't land this job if your friends will go to bat for youe Cowt me as friend number ones Please let me kmow if you are interested. We will go to bat at onces Exeuse haste. I am just leaving for Colusbia, Wissourl, to see the Okishana-llissouri game, so I will have my secretary sign With every good wish, I em Sincerely yours, FGA shi Varsity Basketball Coache ARTHUR T. CHAPIN, Principal 'GEORGE W. DAVIS, Vice-Principal NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL Da : J e : KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI J a Aes 3 4 demuary 27, 1956. 1 expose to attend the Contenl Meteiet Fostonl siecle Aeiesiuagliten condlane <4 tamanentaa oe eenke DORE oad April 102. I do not want to be at the same hotel where the con~- vention hendquarters are. tas | ins ace Ht ek ce this one. I desire to attend the convention, take it easy and wateh the passing show and listen to the things I want to hears oe kindly give me this information I will appreciate it. I empect to attend the National Physical Education meeting at Atlanta on April 2025, ‘The National Basketball Coaches meeting is in Chicago on April 4 and 5, and the National Rules _ meeting will follow the coaches meeting closely, either in Chicago or New Yorke I notice that the Midwest District Physical Education - ‘e411 teewe lots of things to attend if we decire to attend all of theme : lire» Allon ond Eleanor may drive to Chisago from Lawrence to ses the city while I am attending the convention. I SEAk UN Oe Somh On She Send Tyee Te He ee I trust you and your family are happy and well. I hope to have ae visit with you when I am in your fair citys Does Mimesota play a game at that time, or is ‘their schedule over? I would also like | fix by sompleted your schedule? We are not so hot this year, but we - are just hanging in there. Looks like Minnesota kind of hit the rocky placese Do you think they had too much traveling end and too much New York? Sincerely yours, January 19, 1958. The Winged ork A Club, pep ren Park South, New York, Hes Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coathe The WINGED FOOT PUBLISHED MONTHLY under the direction ofthe Vublications Committee of the NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB 180 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH New York, NY. January 14, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allens We are extremely pleased with your very complimentary letter of the eleventh and you can be sure that we consider it a source of grati- fication to be able to do everything in our power to further promote the grand game of basketball and to tell the world at large what an influential factor you are in the sport. Naturally we would like to have many of your friends know about the story, anc perhaps it would be better to send a package of magazines to you, with the envelopes enclosed, so that you may present them to the people you had in mind. In fact, you might wish to present copies to some of a these people in person. We are therefore sending ee under separate cover, by parcel post, about twenty copies. If you need a few more please let me know. In the event you are coming to New York with your basketball squad during the present season, the writer trusts it will be an opportunity to make your acquaintance. With kind regards, I am Cordially yours, J. B. Pearman/1d Editor ee ps oe | : OE wae ys roa We — 07 Loma r— p Oni leas oO