Ro November 15, 1937. Mre He Ve Porter, ll Sow LaSalle Ste, β€” Chicage, Illincise Dear He Vet _ I acknowledge with thanks the National Basketball Committee letterheads. We can very nicely use our University _ envelopes, but I de think the Committee stationery is an assete From some of our umiversity coaches I have been getting | _& eriticign on the new seamless basketball. They state that on β€” hard 40#foot passes, the ball develops floaters, sinkers, drops, curves and twisters. These are the terms applied to the tricks done by passing the bail hard. This is from an eastern coach who has a national reputation, His players discarded the ball in the: Sreeeihe Cf Whe SRLeNey GRNTUEES So Wie, MOnrrReeeEt of the coaches. . ; I-understand that the aponsors of the ball now say the new scamless ball has been corrected and this objectionable thing elimineteds St. Clair, you will remenber, said at our meeting last year thet his boys all threw the balis up in the balcony after uy hed slah 5 font Geklin | The eastern coach had this to say: β€œOn the basis of our actual experiments with the ball we ean have no confidence in it. We Se with no sules talk", sss ales Gila Uind plied Sdesnind 66 than pen may have the specific criticism arid work out certain trials according to these comments. Persomally, I do not like the new molded type of ball at all, because we do not want anything too perfects ee ee ee