5056 Lindenwood ave. lday 1, 1939 | ee a eeraits Lawrence, Kansas ae e- @t this time I am writing to all coaches of your conference asking for their consideration in the selection of their basketball officials for 1939-40. May I have your consideration in the ge sim ef such? I have been an approved official for the past seve years in the Missouri es Gwonference and also refer you eeaches of Mo. State Sait che Gollege Uonference and M.C. Bur ing the past season I had officiating contact with Tulsa, Oslanoma a and M, Grinnell, Greighton, Missouri, Washingt St. Louis, Bradley, Missouri idines, Gharleston Ill. Te. of aicKendree, “ape teachers, and others of your acquaintance. frusting for your consiaeratian in this matter, I Wery truly yours, H.€. Vow Flee BH. GC. Van Reen