Page 2 Handball 10. Horseshoes oe ill. Life saving 12. Marching 13. Social dancing 14. Soccer aoe Softball | 16. - Speedball 17. Swimming 18. Tennis 19. Touch football 206: Track and field ele Tumbling 22. Volleyball : 2o-6 Wrestling 24¢ oe Directions: Are there any other activities which you would like to have included in Oread physical education program? If there are, please list such activities below: — — ces a : _—-. Rkie es he II Ny MetHod of Gonducting the Activities Directions: Answer the following questions by writing "Yes" or "No" on the line at the right of each question: 1. Would you like to take part in planning the physical education program? : 2e Can you dance? Se Can you swim 50 yards? 4. Have you passed the Junior Red Cross Life Saving examination? 5- Do you like fundamentals of sports? 6¢ Do you want instruction in fundamentals as part of the class period? . | 7» Would you like to compete on teams against other schools? 8. Would you like to have this physical education class organized into teams? 9 Would you like to have some class periods during which the girls and boys could play games together?