RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC PROGRAM FOR OREAD TRAINING SCHOOL A. Physical Education: Ie Ile TIT Ve Vie VITe That every student at Oread Training School pay a health fee for which they will receive a complete medical examination and dispensary service from the Ke U. Hospital. That the Physical Education Program comply with the ctrriculun which was recently published by the National Physical Education Association. That boys and girls be permitted to take some courses together @s soon as we have more practice teachers, such courses :as golf, fencing, tap dancing and badminton -That golf be added to the seasonal courses which have, been given to the Physical Education class of Oread for the past five yearse These courses include-marching tactics; tumbling; apparatus, volley- ball; wrestling; basketball; handball; touch football; soccer foot= ball; soft ball; track and field; and tennis. | That each student be required to take a written quiz on rules of various games, also a practical examination on fundamentals. That the acquatic instruction, as heretofore, be given in sequence= l. Beginning Swimming 2 Intermediate swimming and diving 3e Advanced swimming and diving 4. Life Saving That the swimming period on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 be devoted to just one group of students and another class be organized to meet at 8:30 or 9:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays.