page a= Ae Physical Education (cont'd.) VIIIe That Oread Training School purchase equipment for the Physical Education Classes as needed, which amounts to about $40.00 per year= Be Intramural Program- Recommend: I. That Oread Training School participate in an intramural program other than the regular Physical Education Program and Athletic Program at a time which is most convenient to the student concerned in the following sports- tennis, horseshoes, dart, deck tennis and ping pong. IIe That the organization and promotion of the intramural program be carried on by a practice teacher to be assigned by the supervisor- Ce Athletic Program- Recommend ; Ie That Oread Training School participate in interscholastic athletics to include, football, basketball, track and field, tennis and golf. (1) Football team of 11 members- 6 game schedule For Oread: 1) To buy 18 complete suits----« $350.00 2) To transport team for 3 out of town games--~- 45.00 3) To provide officials for 3 home games------~~ 45 00 4) To purchase 4 footballs at $12.00 each==--=--= 48.00 $488.00 5) Thet practice teachers do the cosaching-preferably @ practice teacher that has completed his KeU.» football competition or practice teacher who is a KUe basketball player who might not be going out for varsity basketball practice until after Oread Football season is completed.