Page 4= Be A*hletic Pregram=Recommand Se Track and Field 1) That the track and field boys could use the basketball suits for track work, so there would be no extra expense in this regard- I doubt if 0-T.Se would have sufficient athletes to make - a full team for dual meets=- 2) That the shied confine their track competition to interscholastic championship meets-= 3) That Oread provide transportation for out of towmm meets--~~ ~----Cost----- $25.00 ax 4. Tennis-Dual and Championship Meets 1) Oread to transport tennis players and buy tennis balls... $25.00 2) That practice be on the KU, Courts after school- 5e Golf~ Not sure that Oread would have sufficient golfers to make a team but they would probably practice on the Ke Us. Courses Recommend that each player furnish his own clubs and ballse Recommend that: le The Principal of 0. Te Se should be responsible for the scheduling of all games and the hiring and paying of officials with the assis- tance of the supervisor of Physical Education for all -thletic games. 2. The Oread Principal should keep all funds on deposit and write checks for the various needso 3e That the Oread Student Body be required to buy an Athletic Activity Ticket. let cuephe/ i. ells