April 6, 1939 Coach Forest C,. Allen Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Coach Allen: Your basketball season is over now and before long you will be going about the business of selecting officials for next season. May I respectfully urge you to consider my record and qualifications when assignment time rolls around, Member of Southwest Football Officials Association two seasons, "BY rating - I938 - 39, Charter member Southwest Basketball Officials Association, December meeting - 1938, Charter member Mid-Western Inter-Collegiate Officials Assn.,; Oklahoma City, 19368. Official All-College Basketball Tournament, Oklahoma City, Dee, 26 = SI, 19358, In addition to a thirty six Bame schedule of the best high schools in the state, my college and M.V.A.A.U. schedule was as follows - Dec. I7 - Chicago LaSalle Cavaliers (M.V.A.A.U.) vs Freuhauf Trailers, George Willis, coach, at Tulsa, Jan, 7 = St.Louis University, Jack Starrett, coach vs Tulsa University, Chet Benefiel, coach, at Tulsa. Jan, 9 - Grinnell University, John Truesdale, coach vs fulsa University, at Tulsa, Jan, 14 = Drake University, Bill Williams, coach vs Tulsa University, at Tulsa, Feb. I = Oklahoma City University, Melvin Binford, coach Pittsburg Teachers (Kansas), John Lance, coach at Oklahoma City.