INSTRUCTIONS FOR PORTABLE & STATIONARY SLIDE The above plan is for either portable or stationary 16' slide. If portable the cross brace pipe should be placed so as to conform to the measurements on blue print. Extra wide base flanges are furnished to prevent sagging. For the stationary slide, excavate holes about 14" in diameter and 2' deep. Attach the stairs to the platform and fasten the two short brace straps. Raise in position and attach the two support pipe and fasten them together with the cross straps. You are now ready for concrete. Mix one part cement to four parts sand and coarse gravel with just enough water tao set the cement. Not sloppy. Raise each support and stairs until the platform is 8'-1" from the ground level. Measure the distance at ground to conform to print. See that all pipe are in line and then finish filling the holes with concrete. Portable end support is furnished with either slide unless otherwise instructed, so that the chute may be removed in the winter months if desired and no pipe supports in the way.