REPORT OF THE ALYMPIC COMMITTEE ON BASKETBALL Mr. President: ~ . | Your chairman wishes to present the sean of the Olympic Committee on Basket Ball. We began early in 1928 to interest our local and foreign Prints in having basket ball incorporated in the X Olympiad to be held in Los Angeles in 1932. The local men contacted were Avery Brundage, president of the A, A. U. of the United States, Daniel J. Ferris, secre- tary-treasurer of the A.-A, U., and Frederic W. Rubien, secretary of the American Olympic Committee. Mr. Daniel J. Ferris' suggestion of July 26, 1929, was: "that you address a communication to the American Olympic Committee, asking that they go on record as favoring basket ball as one of the optional events on the Olympic program at Los Angeles in 1932. Fersonally, I feel that there will be so much objection by foreign countries to basket bali that it will be impossible to have it listed. They will contend that so few countries are playing the game that it should not be included as one of the Olympic Sports. However, this should not prevent you from making every effort to have basket ball included." Mr. Avery Brundage stated in his letter of August 23, 1929, shat: "Last year at Amsterdam, a new International Federa- sion was formed to take jurisdiction over the games of handball, basket ball, and the German game called field handball. If I am not mistaken, I am one of the officers of this International Federation. The program for the Olympic Games at Los angeles will be setsied at the next meeting of the Uxecutive Committee of the International Olympic Committee, which will be held next ee =