-“ 5.= fortnight. There is a possibility, however, that at the Olympic favnax at Los Angeles in 1932, basket ball will be added to the wrcorem orovided the American organizing committee so proposes. he aperiean Olympic Committee has the right to propose one netional sport and one foreign sport on the progran. " Appeals were made to Secretary Rubien of the Olympic Committee and to authorities of organizations promoting basket ball in the United States including the ¥ MC A, National Collegiate A A and Amateur Athletic Union to go on record endorsing the ad- dition of basket ball to the Olympic program at Los Angeles in 1932. Mr, Ferris then introduced a resolution at the National AAU meeting at 8t. Louis in November, 1929, petitioning for basket ball as an Olympic sport. Requast was made of the American Olympic Committee to support the application for basket ball before the Olympic Congress in Berlin. Cormunications went to the authorized representatives in the foreign eduntrics. In Mexico we enlisted tho aid of Mr. A. A. Aguirri and Mr. T. L. Rodriguoz at Chihauhauand, Mr. L. Ochoa at Mexico City, also Mr. Sohaku Ri at Waseda University, Tokio, Mr. Akira Oshida at Mei ji University, Tokio, also Mr. Elmer Berry at Geneva, Switz- erland, Mr. Val Bouryschkine at Paris, France, Mr. J. H. Crocker at London, Ontario, Canada, Mr. Charles S. Jones at Vancouver, British Columbia, Mr. Renato Jones at Rome, Italy. Through the kindness of Dr. Naismith we constantly contactcd forcign representatives who assisted in our venture. On October 15, 1929, President Avery Brundage sug- gested that we circularize our baskct ball colleagues in Southern California, Messrs. Sam Barry, Dic, Rutherford, a host