“a in my opinion a basket ball tournament with international par- ticipants and the best American teams, would pack the stadiun. Get after Garland and cxert as much pressure on the Los Angeles crowd as you. can." Mexico, Canada, the Phillipines and Japan definitely promised us that they would send teams to Los Angelos for parti- cipation if the Los angelos Organizing Cormittee would put basket ball on as a demonstration sport. It is ncoedloss to montion that scores of Amorican tcams were anxious for such opportunity to participate. It is our opinion had this tourna- ment becn staged in the stadium at Los Angeles the result would have beon pronounced succcss, comparable to the Madison Square Garden scll outs. Throo scparatc groups in Canada were tre- mondously intcrostcd. On Octobor 3, 1931, Mr, F. B. Eagloston of Toronto wroto: "Mr. G. T, Hepbron has roferred mo to you for informa- tion rogarding the possibility of basket ball being rcocognized at the Olympic games. Would you kindly lot mo know whether any negotiations arc pending at tho prosent timo or whether any definite. dccision has boon made rogarding this. Has baskot ball any chanco of boing included in tho prograrmo? Any in- formation you con give mc will be appreciatcd as our reproscnta- tive toam dcsirocs to know what tho possibilitics aro." We roplicd to Mr. Eaglcston that basket ball was presontod to the Olympic Committoc and acccpted favorably as one of the ganecs to bo put on for dononstration. The Intor- national Olympic Comittoe oksyod it but we lost out in Cali- fornia. Tho Gold Coast poople chosc football because tho ganic