a = must ask you therofore to wait anothor fortnight or so fer a. specific reply. You can rest assured, howevor, that the question of baskct ball will be considered thoroughly, and 1 believo ny- self that the intorest in the gamo is widespread tie cuigtiot the world. It will interest you that basket ball was one of theo points I spoko about to Mr. Elmor Borry who was here just the other day. Herr Sicwicke who has a job now in the Hitler- Youth and whom I know quite wcll has boen one of the pronoters of basket ball at the Doutsche Hochschule fur Licbosubungen." On October 25, 1934, Horr Dicom wrote: "With further roference to our forner corrospondence I have tho pleasure of informing you that the Organizing Cormmittce at its meocting on October 19, adoptod the resolution that basket ball be included in the program of the 1936 Olympic Games at Berlin.” Again on Decomber 3, Horr Diom advised: "I acknow- ledge very gratefully your lettor of Novombor 15, and I an glad that Anerica responded so enthusiastically to our plans includ- ing basket ball in the program of the XI Olympiad.- In the meantime wo had the pleasure to havo Mr. Jones, the secretary goneral of the International Basket Ball Federation from Romo with us. Mr. Jones told us also that various other parts of the world answored very favorably to the result of our cor- respondence. We are now preparing the regulations and rules for the baskct ball tournament. Mr. Jones told us that we can count on et least twonty toams: Argentino, Belgiun, Esthonia, Latvia, France, Italy, Austria, Switzorland, Czocho-Slovakia, Hungary, United States, China, Grocce, Cuba, Japan, Poland, Rumania, Spain, Philippines, Brazil, Fortugal, Puigeric. Tf