~ 12 =. there should be any particular question you can be suro that I will call on you. When wo have finished our sport booklets concorning the basket ball tournament I should bo glad to for- word a copy TO yous dipled Vins I can count further on your holpful cooporation and thanking you ror your assistancs until now." We have just finished a definite check up with Dr. Jamos Naismith, the-originator of tho gamo in 1891, senterntine the nations now playing baskot ball and listing fifty following mations: Australia, africa, Brazil, Gormany, England, Alaska, Hawaii, New Zcaland, Franco, Spain, Portugal, Madagascar, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, Switzerland, Rumania, Czcecho-Slovakia, Ciitio, Korea, Japan, the Pullippines, Canada, Chowek: Poraguay, Greoco, Turkoy, Egypt, Panama, Italy, India, the Unitod Statos, Poland, Bulgaria, Argontina, Latvia, Hungary, Syria, Cuba, Porto Rico, Haiti, Porsia, Siam, 4rabin, Ccylon, and Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rico and. San Salvador. Basket ball boing an official part of tho Olympic program, Amcrica can now look forward to the appointmont of an anorican Olympic Basket Ball Garics Coot i o' to suporvigéo Ancrica's participation at Borlin in 1936. Undoubtedly college basket ball mon of Amorica will play a vory dcfinito part in upholding amorica's splendid compotitive traditions. Rospectfuyly submitted, - re Comnittoo.