Ae H. Buhl, Commanding Officer, Naval Training School, Universi ty of Kansas. Dear Commander Buhl: Confirming my phone conversation of this date, beg to state that it will be a great pleasure for - lirse Allen and for me to be your guests at the Officers’ Mavy Dey dinner this evening in the dining room of the Hotel Eldridge. It is very thoughtful of you to invite us. \ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. NAVAL TRAINING SCHOOL (MACHINIST’S MATES) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 24, 1942, Doctor & Mrs. F.C. oes 801 Louisiane St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor & Mrs. Allen: Please accept our invitation to attend the Officers! Navy Day Dinner to be held at 7:00 DeM., on October 27th in the Dining Room of the Hotel Eldridge. This dinner will conclude a series of ceremonies and events célebrating Navy Day in Lawrence. Will you please telephone the office of the Commanding Officer, City 684 or 685, as to whether or not you plan to attend. May we expect you? Sincerely yours, O.7, Rtb A.H. BUHL Commanding Officer. Sued We bedice vex Mak oo te, petals eee He do not want you to be late to class because the next fellow on the job does not show up in time. I want te commend you on your conscientious effort to give service at the towel room and still get to class on time. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical. Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Lt. Col. Bernie Bierman, Neval Aviation Pre-Flight School, Towa City, Towa. Dear Colonsh Bernie: I saw your devastating attack Saturday and would have gone down to your dressing roem te have said helle to YOU, but I kmew that the game was finished rather late — and you had se many details to handle that 1 did net bether you. i Hewever, I want to congratulate you on the fine group that you have assembled, and I am sure that if the per- formance Saturday is eny evidence of your bringing then . along to mest the different objectives at the proper tine that you will be ready for all of then. : Here's wishing you lets of luck! With kindest personal regards, I am’ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. A. Brown, 1423 West 10th St., Topeka, Kansas. Dear Murray: I eam very happy to receive your letters of September 21 and October 19. I assure you both were very welcome and you may rest assured that you have my sincere friendship and well wishes. ee I am always most happy to help a young man who wants to help himself, and I am quite sure that you belong in that | category. ie practice on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7 to 9, and I would be delighted to have you and frnie come down any time that you can. I believe you can do more for Jack Ballard than any men that I kmow of. You are big and rangy and about. his size end you cen teach him more needful technique than any- one else. So we will be looking for you, Murray, whenever you can come, and it will be a pleasure to see you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. September 21, 1942 Topeka High School Dear Dr. Allen: I have been trying to get in touch with you for the past two weeks but have been unsuccessful. I would ap- preciate it if we could get together at a future date, so that I might be able to talk to you. Things have been happening so fast in the past few weeks and I know that you are exceptionally busy at this time so that it was hard to see you. tI want you to know, Dr, Allen, that I sincerely enjoyed working with you and probably showld still be with you. However, I felt that I needed this experience, Best of luck to you in the future and I will be in Lawrence so often this winter during the basketball season that it will seem like I am a regular student. You can count on me for that. I'll be pulling for you when ever you play and know that your: team will come out on top because they will be well coached, Although I wasn't with you very long I learned a lot, not only about basketball but of human nature, ik My best regards to Mrs. Allen and the family. Yours truly, 7 Pwr . Murray Br PS BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY 630 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Dear Health and Physical Hducation Director: As you requested, we are very glad to send you separately the wall chart entitled "Hxercise is Vital, but". This chart was worked out with the assistance of many Physical Hducation instructors to meet their needs in stressing the following: lL. The value of proper exercise. _ &. The importance of proportionate use of all muscles, 3. The results of disproportionate muscular activity. We believe you will want to place this chart on the wall of the gymnasium or health office for study at leisure by the individual student. In addition, it should prove useful in lesson instruc- tion on the physiology of muscles. Since this is a relatively new piece of material, we would be appreciative if you would give us your comments on it after it has been in vse for a short time. Simply jot down any suggestions you may have on the attached sheet and return it to us at your convenience. Thank you for your interest in our material. Very truly yours, BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY « Mo - rris Ya) % Z.27 (Miss) Marion P Director MPM:MR Hducationel Department P.S. In the past, it has been our practice to furnish Minit-Rub samples for student distribution but because of wartime activi- ties, government priorities on vital materials used in the packag- ing and making of our products --- make us forego our practice of sending samples. Whenever possible, however, we shall be very glad to make them available once more. MAURICE L.BREIDENTHAL, Presivent MILTON W. FELD, Vice PresiDeNnT CLAUDE L.WILSON, Casuier LAWRENCE S.BLUM, Asst. CasnierR MAURICE L.BREIDENTHAL Jr.,Assr.Casnier LORAINE Mf KENNA, Assr. CAsHieR Security Nanoxal Bank MINNESOTA AVE AT SEVENTH Kansas Crty, KANSAS January 25, 1943. Mr. Forrest CG. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs: I know that that matter has been heavy on your mind for sometime. I am sure the pressure will now be relieved and you will feel much better. If you get a reply, I would be glad to see a copy. I am not expecting you to stub your toe again like you did Saturday night. With continued good wishes, I an, M. \ Bref#denthal, President. ‘ MLB:ML MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ae 3 aE Eat ii: — aDaee HF tn! ga i sg $499] Mit es mana it Diveetor of Physical Education, — sited 2S ui} } 7 Jomuary 15, 1945. fesan i i , at Ate pai a He Boe gi toaai bie i ee i aie Dear Johns woe eee Cee ; a i Tei Vereity Basket Congh » FOAsAlT eo ~ Board of Directors Miss Mildred Beecher, $01 Harrison St., Newton, Kansas. Dear Miss Beecher: Thank you for your letter of the 4th instant. Yes, I got _ your term paper and your examination paper, and turned in a grade of B plus. Your paper on Camping was a good one. Otto Unruh can furnish you with some of Cramer's Athletic Liniment. Ask him to give you a bottle, or he oan order it for you. Also, ask Otto to lend you his copy of "Better Basket- ball", and om pages 422 and 423 you will find the treatment for soft corns. I would certainly advise you to enroll in the Teachers’ Bureaus Regarding your knee, some time if you are ever around here if you will let me kmow I will be glad to check it for you. It should continue to get better if that sacro-iliac stays put. I will check it because there is no good reason for a teacher in physical education having a weak spring in one of her knees. Thanks for your kind words regarding our eastern trip. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Jan 7th 1943. Mr. Charles Black, 838 La. Lawrence, Kans. Dear Charlies I want to congratulate you on breaking the Big Six game scoring record and on your fine playing. To one who has followed basket ball for years it is a great pleasure to see a player who can shoot and hit, and also pass when a fellow team-mate is in for a shot, and then adds fine Satan ve play. ‘Let's break another record by beating Oklahoma Saturday night. More power to you. Dr. W. L. Burdick, 916 Kentucky St., Lawrenee, Kansas. Dear Dr. Burdick: One of you great admirers, C. &. Dottie, is sending you @ greeting on the back of his business card. He spoke of you very kindly and I em happy to deliver this short greeting to you from hime | Director of Physical Bducation, Versity Basketball Coache ir. Norman 9. Becker, 44 Coolman Avenue, Chautauqua, New Yorke Dear Normans : It was good to see you in Buffalo, and a pleasure to visit with Howard end you even for only a short while. I am sorry I did not. get an opportunity to do you any , good with your G-man proposition while I wag there. if a letter will do any good please let mo Imow. - My kindest regards to your good wife and her mother. _ Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball ceach. Me Otto Barteldos, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Otto: I am sending this thin dime to you as a token of your superiority on the golf course. Save it, Otto, it is worth money! Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. . Miss Ellen Buckley, 4206 The Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Miss Buckley: While I was with our basketball team playing in Buffalo, New York, Philadelphia end St. Louis, my very dear friend, your brother, passed away. Vihen I returned to Lawrence I received a letter from Keedy Campbell, one of Joe's staunch admirers and personal friends, telling me of Joe's passing. There is nothing that we mortals can say that will assuage your feelings. All of us have traveled that Golgotha Road, and about all we can say is that we too widerstand. — I want you to know that Joe Buckley was one of my very fine. friends and I admired him greatly. He not only had a genial personality, but he had a sapacity for love and friendship that few men possess. His ready Irish wit was one of his fortunes. I played with Joe in 1904 and 1905, and through all the years after that Joe Buckley to me was _ tops. I desire to express my sincerest sympathy. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache ‘geieuacht: of ‘Con: umers Peer Co.| - Stricken in His Car. Joseph He Muckley. president and treasurer of the Consumers Fuel company, 1108 West Twenty-sixth street terrace, died at St. Mary’s hos- pital yesterday afternoon a few hours after he suffered a stroke in his motor car while on the way to): his offices. Mr. Buckley stopped his car near the home of Mrs. Anna Lyons, 1111 Dirs FOLLOWING STROKE , . , JOSEPH H. BUCKLEY; PRESIDENT AND TREASURER OF THE CONSUMERS FUEL Company. West Twenty-seventh street. Mrs. Lyons and neighbors assisted him to her house and an ambulance was called. Mr. Buckley was 58 years old. He is survived by a sister, Miss Ellen Buckley of the home, 4206 the Paseo. He was president of the Jackson Democratic club four years and the. Fifteenth Ward Democratic club a teen years. Mr. Buckley was a member of we Kansas City Athletic club world |: championship basketball team in|’ 1904: He was a life member of the |; Elks club, active in the St. James Holy Name society and the Kansas City Coal Dealers association. He was a veteran of the first World war. ~-— ~~ ae are <*¥TT? AT bet A nek A KAN S AS .¢.1 TY. Set tO Ut S68: ST. PAU Ls /509 -//-13 BALTIMORE AVE., Kay s:as, Crap Me, December 29, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Phogs Knowing you were away on a trip this week, I am enclosing a clipping about Joe Buckley's death thinking that you might miss the news otherwise. Good old Joe, even if it was nearly forty years ago, he could still sink ‘em from out on the floor, couldn't he? I often look back on those old days and I am sure you do, and I still have the clippings of the games with the Buffalo Germans and I get a kick out of re-reading them although I have done it many, many times. Was glad to read in the paper this morning that you beat Fordham and also noted that you won at Buffalo. Keep up the good work} Yours for Vi DKC :AM MINN EAP OOL 1S 3 CiN°CTNNA TT «(PL tS BUR GH. «WAS HIN GTO Nios 1 EV BOL cA N Dips DUES (OM Oo1eN Eo So <2 Con AC AG One. DALLAS © DFT 8 O'S DEN VBR 3-8 ¥ RAY CS Ee NAS MV iL ok 6 CM ACR. LO TT El. BOSTON + PHILADELPHIA . WORCESTER | Mr. D. Keedy Campbell, General Manager, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Keed: Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 29th ultimo telling me of the passing of good old Joe. This was a shock to me and of course I had not learned of his death because the eastern papers did not carry it. | Joe was a grand fellow and I will never forget his kindly Irish wit and affection, I had seen Joe a few times in late years end I was a little afraid that he might go the way he did. He was a generous soul and had many virtues thet all | of us could do well to emiate. Yes, those were good old days, Keed, and I cherish the thoughts of many of our tough games. I, like you, get out the old scrapbook about _— four or five ydars and run over some of those tough games. By the way, while in Buffalo I met the old crowd of Buffalo Germans. Heerdt, the captain, was just back of our bench and I went over and had a nice visit with him. He is as bald as a doorknob but he still appreciates good basketball. All of these cities now have fine auditoria, the like of the one in Kansas City, and in the next ten years I look to see basketball pack ‘em in, in double-header college games. St. Louis has an arena that seats 20,000 and when they get some good teams dom there at Washington and St. Louis U. somebody ao Our teams seems to be going pretty well now. Reverting back to Jos, I doubly appreciate your sending me the clipping because I am writing Miss Bllen Buckley, Joe‘s sister, expressing condolences. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. MRS. N. M. ELIAS > a ey Oo hy ano ie: oe Keetant asl ape gern ed feo. naan lat ee mm Wola tor too fee leh Usalee —- fulaus oS UU le Sanger ee ee 5 a tae) Ae, S tek OM Anat 14 WASHINGTON SQUARE NORTH NEW YORK / THIS SPACE FOR WRITING MESSAGES n Ah ! 12,944 nN NI 30VW ; PUB. BY J. SOLOMON, NEW LONDON, CONN. W'S