Dear Doctor 1 “I've run upon some information that I think may be of interest Yo you in connection with the Oklahoma University situation. First of all I must say that whatever I tell you einai be con- sidered confidential as to source. Unfortunately I am not in a position to become engaged in a controversy that now has here in Wichita developed cite more or less of a means for two sports editors of rival local news- papers to take before the public their dislike for each others One in particular is definitely unsympathetic to K.Ue I'm obliged to stay here ot ome and carry on my profession so can't afford to be misquoted and the target of insinuations even though it does seem to reflect a lack of somethinge , A few days ago I ehanced to meet a fellow by the name of "Dutch" Scheufler.s He is more or Leas of a tramp or hanger=cn of Wichita - seinen ever since the old Henry's basketball days. He works around any current sport as a trainer or at whatever he can get. Some believe in him but I think he is a tramp. Maybe you know him. I asked him about the situation of Wichita athletes going én O.U. and found out that - is the one who has been taking them dows to Oole a ei acquainted. That would be all right with me if he wanted +0 do it but he told me he is being paid his expenses and a little more, too, by the 0.U. athletic department, or at least Jap Haskell. He just recently. took ‘ bunch of North High boys down there and was paid by Hasketl for doing ite