in Your inforgant, an attorney of Wichita, is willing to believe statements about the University of Oklehoma and its athletic department, coming from a man he immediately accuses as being umreliable end a worthless braggart. Referring to Mr. Allen's letters of February 9 and 10, 1942, we find that Mr. Allen refers to the Burton Cossey case which in no way concerns the University of Sensas. I made a complete statement of this case at the Big Six Conference meeting held late in February. The athletic authorities of Oklahoma A. & M. College tir. Allen refers to the Leyton case in his letter, and I wish to state that 1 have before me a photosta copy of an affidavit, signed by Lester Layton end by both his father and mother, denying the existence of « professional baseball contract between Lester Leyton and any baseball clube : t want to state thet it will require some other proof other than the u- supported statenents of Mr. Alien or the statements from his attorney friends, who base their information on hearsay and rumors, to make the University of Oklahoma |