=Ge For Mr. Allen's information, Buster Mills, after graduating from the University of Oklahoma, played with Cleveland and not with the Boston Red Sox. Mr. Allen refers to Mr. Noble, of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, as the president of the Board and the chief athletic getter. I cannot help but feel some resentment in Mr. Allen's statement, since it contains no element of the truth. Mr. Noble is not president of the Board of Regents of ‘the University of Oklahoma, and so far as I mow, and I feel thet I should know more about it than Mr. Allen, he ms not interested himself in securing for the University of Oklahoma. Mr. Noble is a very busy man, and although he is interested in all phases of ‘niversity administration, he has made no attempt to rua the affairs of the athletic department. | I realize that in these times it is exeeedingly hard to keep from creeping inte college athletics. Although the University of Oklahoma may not be sprouting wings, | A; cas Gelhins Cadh Gen Gebsadatir &F Gheene bu endtaci free ef suspicion. Mr. laskell submitted te me a list of prominent Cklahom athletes who made a fine athletic record at the University of Zanesas. In that list were such athletes as Standifer and farnest Bradley of Cherokee, Ad Lindsey of Kingfisher, the tw Johnson brothers, great basketball pleyers, from Oklahoma City, T. C. Bishop and T. FP, Hunter of Oklahom City, tom Poor of McAlester, and Ormend Beach of Hi Ai ot set ake ne Se Se eet = ret ey somes es tees The situation, as I have related ted it, is the ai cos an bo Gee ti as is Sh att ad Rites ces te oy tee I feel thet I m ina position to arrive at reasonable conclusions concerning this situation. My cone clusions ere as follows: — | ie Se ase at id eililietie Qpartens of Ge rently of Ollahoma _ Were used to defray the expense of bringing these boys to Normen. four boys were provided by businessmen residing in Wichite,presumably Sint" Frnt of the favors iy of Sian -