February 10, 1942. them is a graduate of the K.U. Law School, having worked his way through the University. You will notice the information about Lester Layton. Of course he is not actually signed up with the Boston Red Sox, and Herb Pennock made a statement in the press that he was not. He isn't. But there is a gentleman's agreement that the Boston Red Sox pay his expenses college and then he will sign up, which is tantamount to a contract, but it avoids the technicality of signing a | In the Sunday Kansan there is further evidence of Oklahoma's proselyting. The paper says that Jap Haskell phoned this boy, Cossey. Any half-way intelligent person would know that Mr. Haskell is pretty active. Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FCA: AH ! Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Enc e