April 6, 1942. Mr. George B. Powers, 608 Fourth National Bank Bldges Wichita, Kansas. Dear George: Julian Relston has written me about commotion that has been stirred up by certain of the Oklahoma people. I ‘sent a copy of your letter, without giving your name, of course, to ow Professor Davia, faculty representative, and he in turn sent a copy to Walter Kraft, the Oklahom faculty representative. Apparently it was one of Mr. Kraft's oper- atives thet contacted Mr. Good, | e I didn't know thet I ws doing anything that would cause you embarrassment or discomfort, and as I will be glad to. come to Wichita to clear up the mtter and take full responsibility. I desire to have a visit with Mr. Good and explein to him that I had no desire to impose upon his friendship with you. I em very sorry if it has caused either of you any inconvenience. ee ee g a t Trusting that you will feel that I have not imposed upon you unduly, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Pasketball and Baseball Coach.