Miss Mildred Beecher, $01 Harrison St., Newton, Kansas. Dear Miss Beecher: Thank you for your letter of the 4th instant. Yes, I got _ your term paper and your examination paper, and turned in a grade of B plus. Your paper on Camping was a good one. Otto Unruh can furnish you with some of Cramer's Athletic Liniment. Ask him to give you a bottle, or he oan order it for you. Also, ask Otto to lend you his copy of "Better Basket- ball", and om pages 422 and 423 you will find the treatment for soft corns. I would certainly advise you to enroll in the Teachers’ Bureaus Regarding your knee, some time if you are ever around here if you will let me kmow I will be glad to check it for you. It should continue to get better if that sacro-iliac stays put. I will check it because there is no good reason for a teacher in physical education having a weak spring in one of her knees. Thanks for your kind words regarding our eastern trip. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.