Mr. D. Keedy Campbell, General Manager, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Keed: Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 29th ultimo telling me of the passing of good old Joe. This was a shock to me and of course I had not learned of his death because the eastern papers did not carry it. | Joe was a grand fellow and I will never forget his kindly Irish wit and affection, I had seen Joe a few times in late years end I was a little afraid that he might go the way he did. He was a generous soul and had many virtues thet all | of us could do well to emiate. Yes, those were good old days, Keed, and I cherish the thoughts of many of our tough games. I, like you, get out the old scrapbook about _— four or five ydars and run over some of those tough games. By the way, while in Buffalo I met the old crowd of Buffalo Germans. Heerdt, the captain, was just back of our bench and I went over and had a nice visit with him. He is as bald as a doorknob but he still appreciates good basketball. All of these cities now have fine auditoria, the like of the one in Kansas City, and in the next ten years I look to see basketball pack ‘em in, in double-header college games. St. Louis has an arena that seats 20,000 and when they get some good teams dom there at Washington and St. Louis U. somebody ao Our teams seems to be going pretty well now. Reverting back to Jos, I doubly appreciate your sending me the clipping because I am writing Miss Bllen Buckley, Joe‘s sister, expressing condolences. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.