ote - 3. Lester Layton has furnished definite proof that he is not under contract with any professional baseball clube 4, "Dutch" Scheufler has no official connection with the University of Oklahoma or its athletic department. I fon't feel that it is my privilege or duty to advise Mr. Haskell whom he shall select as his associates or summer co-workers, and I certainly have a firm conviction that it doesn't concern ir. Allen one iota. 5. Mr. Scheufler had nothing to do with the four boys'visiting in Norman, and certainly didn't bring them to Norman. 6. ‘The rivalry existing between two Wichita newspapers, and the bitter feeling between the sports writers on these papers, was responsible for the unfavorable publicity given the two univer= sities and was responsible in a large measure for the information given Mr. Allen by his attorney friends in Wichita, 7. Mr. George Powers, an attorney of Wichita, wrote the letter dated January 26, 1942. When interviewed he first denied knowledge, and when faced with a quotation from his letter he admitted writing the letter and then stated that those were still his views. When faced with statements of those whom he had presumably quoted, he admitted that his information was hearsay and rumor. I feel that this was just a case of an overjealous alumni desirous of supporte ing his friend, Mr. Allen. - 8. The letter written by another Wichita attorney, dated February 8, 1942, deals with “Dutch” ScHeufler and Jap Haskell's brother. As stated above, this letter is so devoid of facts that it doesn't merit much consideration. The attorney states in his letter that he can't prove any of his statements. Under these circumstances no further time could be wasted on the letter. 9. I want to be charitable to Mr. Allen, and therefore just wish to say that he apparently has been overeager to punish and otherwise discreditJap Haskell. The occasion of the newspaper fight in “ichita only furnished Mr. Allen a little more ammunition. I want you to know that I appreciate your kind consideration in submitting this information to me, and I realize that it was necessary for me to be very thorough in making this investigation. I personally have no thought of producing an operation known as whitewashing. Our people here at the University of Oklahoma are human, and being so are subject to human errors. At times, due possibly to not knowing what should be done, they make errors. We have the very highest regard for the University of Kansas, for you personally, and for your athletic staff. I know that you have often expressed | the hope that our relations might glways remain relations of complete confidence in each other, and of respect for the institutions of the Big Sixe I am personally appreciative of your counsel and friendship. I hope that in the future we may always continue to be perfectly frank, and yet friendly. ‘ With kindest personal regards, I em Very truly yours, (Signed) WALTER W. KRAFT Faculty Representative, M.V.I.A.A. WWKsad University of Oklahomac