al i ‘ dice nahin OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS President ArtHuR R. HUTCHENS Southern and Southeastern Conference Epwin N. ATHERTON Pacific Coast Conference Asa S. BUSHNELL Secretary-Treasurer Eastern Intercollegiate REAVES E. PETERS Football Association Big Six Conference ArtHur E. EILers Missouri Valley Conference James W. St. Crair Joun L. GRIFFITH Southwest Conference Intercollegiate Conference (Big Ten) Aug.16,1941 Dr. F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Just received wora@ from Rollie William sying that _ Carrol) would be alright for pour game up there Jan.29th. I have assigned Parke to that Game. He also stated that with your approv- al he was assigning MacDohald to that game. I was rather amused at the attitude of the Boys on the Missouri-Kansas line about officiating. How many assignments have they had-in the Big S5ix?.None. Now that someone is in charge of officials they want to get assinments, apparently not realizing that the ¢ oaches are still saying who they want. They have been invited to all our Clinics and Rules meetings and have been given every encouragement. They have been told how th whole set-tip works and what they must do before they can get on coaches preferential © lists. The first year I assigned football offic ials I had a letter from a man that had worked a few,avery few, college games and he stated that while he had never worked in the Big Six he expected a full schedule the next year since every coach had assured him that he was on their list. He was on one list and that as no.16 Field Judge- we don't go below ten in football. Of course he will probably feel unkindly toward me that is to be expected. I answer every letter I get and take pains to explai everything incdetail. You can imagine how many, and what peculiar letters I get; yourhave been getting them for many years. Atthe present time Andy Skradski is the only officia: over there anyways near ready for Big Six assignments, and he is on the list this year. Ed Ellis is coming along but is not ready. I have been trying to get across the idea that the Big Six is big league and that they must come up thrt the ranks and qualify for this conference; and that officials are picked on their merit and not because he happens to know some of the coaches or is a good fellow. It does'n}$ matter to me who an official is or where he comes from if he can get the job done and the coaches want him then he will get assignments. I have no friends when it comes to assigning officials. Want to talk with you further about this when you cor ae SS ee Mi cae come down. header Wa eh. the hest, of wishes, 3 _ Reaves. — _ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS President ArtHur R. HuTCHENS Southern and Southeastern Conference Epwin N. ATHERTON Pacific Coast Conference Asa S. BUSHNELL Eastern Intercollegiate Football Association ArtHur E. EIMers Missouri Valley Conference Joun L. GRIFFITH Intercollegiate Conference (Big Ten) Secretary-Treasurer REAVES E. PETERS Big Six Conference James W. St. Crair Southwest Conference Aug.-13,1941 Dr.F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Received your letter in regard to officials for your non-conference games and will get busy on that right away. There are several points I want to clear up at thi this time. At the present time there has been no action taken by the various commissioners for non-conference,or inter-section games. Here is the set-up for football and I hope that in the very near future we can make some such arrangements for basket- ball: a e. De Mixed crews for all single game contracts Local crews for all home and home contracts Appointees to be selected by the commissioners indep- endently of coaches for inter-sectional games. If you were playing a home and home series with Texas Universi Texas would be perfectly willing to have me slect one official without consulting them and you would willing to have Jim St.Clair do the same. Of course the under- standing that exist between Jim and me is that we will use only top ranking officials for these games,and that in the event there might be any official that either coach did not want we would leave him off that list. If you did want that privelege you would make it known at the time the games were scheduled. As the situation stand at the present time I think you should go ahead with officials for all games away from home,of course this d oes not mean conference games. In the event you want me to take a part in these game away from home I will be perfectly willing to do so,but feel that you should consider that when the contract for the game is matte and have a definite understanding with the other coach. You did'nt state whetther your game with Denver was to be played in Lawrence or Denver. If it is to be played in Lawrence I will go ahead and make the assigmments,if it is to be played in Denver why don't you go ahead with the arrangeme ents. For your game with Creighton at Lawrence on Feb.10 it should not be necessary to consul% Eddie Hickey unless we NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS President Asa §. BUSHNELL Secretary-Treasurer ArtHur R. HuTcHENS Eastern Intercollegiate Reaves E. PETERS Southern and Southeastern Football Association Big Six Conference Conference ArtuHur E. EIers Ga: om Missouri Valley Conference James W. St. Cram ae. ees Joun L. GRIFFITH Southwest Conference Poetic ‘Const Conference Intercollegiate Conference (Big Ten) Want to use officials that are not known to hin. Do you have any officials in mind,other than those on your preferential list that you would like to see in action in any of your non-conference games? I will be in Chicago for the All-Star game the 28th,of this Month. Would you care for me to get in touch with the DePaul coach at that time?,if so have you a list of Big Ten officials from which you would like to have them select the officials. If you have only a one year contract with them would you like to have one of our officials in the game? The plan in operation for assigning officials for c aofer- ence and inter-sectional games in football seems to be working out to the satisfaction of the coaches;they are very happy to be relieved of the many unpleasant situations that arise when coaches _ have to battle over offic ials. I believe the time is near when a Similar situation will exist in basketball. I don't believe we will ever have uniformity of interpret- ation,or practical standardization of officiating until we adopt @ plan similar to that in use in football for all inter-sectional games. At the present time the Mechanics of officiating in football a4sepractically the same in all major conferences. There is not a Single major conference that will make a single exception to the rules as t hey are written in the book this Fall. Cam 't% you rem- ember when the special interpretations were almost as difficult to | master as the rules. | If we can come to a common agreement on what the game of basketball should be as it is played on the floor;all officials using similar mechanies,and having a common interpretation of the way in which the rules should be administered we will have gone a long ways towards helping basketball. Using mixed crews whenever possible;bringing officials from thecwarzous conferences together, not only in the conference room,but on the floor will help a lot. This is rather rambling I know but have just been thinking out loud. ; : When are you coming to Kansas City for a game of golf? If you can't do that why don't you invite a fellow up to play in your back yard. What are your plans for the remainder of the Month?. With all good wishes,I am Very sincerely yours oe Sp at, an cotleauees tal adh carta ti December 10, 1941 Mr. Reaves Peters $24 Chelsea Kansas City, Noe Dear Reaves, i do not believe thet officials for our game with Denter Univer- sity heve as yet been appointed. We lay Denver here on the l7the Tomorrow I go to Dodge City for a two-day basketball clinic, but ‘I am very anxious to know just who the officials will be as the geme is a week from teday. * ‘Will you let me hear from you at the earliest possible moment? Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/ps - Yarsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Noverber 7, 1941 . Er. Reaves Peters — $24 Chelsea Kansas City, Mo. - Dear Reaves, Doubtless you have heard from Moe Pressly. He is out at Grants Pass, Oregon and states that he will not be able to officiate this winter. ate With the change of my secretaries it seems that we have mis~ placed the Big Six assignments for basketball officials this year for the conference. Will you kindly send me a list — together with the scheduled assignments? I may rum across mine, but since I am sure there have been changes, I would appreciate a revised list? ee : Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation _ PCA/peg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Goagh Dr.F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Coach Hank Iba Oklahoma Aggies Stillwater, O la. Gentlemen: October 31, 1941 I don't know just what has been done to date about officials for your games, Feb.20 at Lawrence, and Feb.25 at Still- water, but will proceed from here. I will assume that Ab Curtis has been asked to work in both games and has definitely accepted the Feb. 25th. date, and is awaiting word from J.W.St.Clair about the Feb. 20th. date. I feel sure that St.Clair will not release Ab from a date that he has already taken, Jim does not operate that way. In the event that C ur tis can work only the one game would you care to use him?. T will write Ab at once and get his answer about the Feb. 25th. date. The following officials are available, in so far as my records show, for your games: Feb. 20th. 1.Carroll 2.0' Sullivan 3. Pressley 4,Quigley 5. House 6. Volz 7.Hogue 8.Grossman 9.Hinkhouse 10. Browning 11.Hinshaw 12 Hyatt 13. Lance 14. VanReen Feb. 2 sth. Carroll O'Sullivan Pressley Quigley House Volz Hogue Grossman Hinkhouse Browning Hinshaw Hyatt Lance VanReen Will you send me a list of the above officials, in the order of your preference, at once that I may contact them. I am sending a copy of this letter to Artie, and after I receive your reply I will contact him and make, with him, the best selection possible from your lists. If there ar e other officials that you would like to consider please snclude them on your list, and in the order of your preference. ec--To Eilers Very sincerely yours, RQ —_2—9 R.E. Peters October 30, 1941 Wr. Reaves Peters 324 Chelsea Avée Kansas City, Hoe Dear Reaves, I do not like to make an appointment at a time when Kansas and Kansas State play, or in fact, any came that takes on any mag~ nitude of interest. There are always so many homecoming visitors on days of big games who come in for the game, that about all we can do is talk with the people who come in to say “hello” and to visit their voungsters. If we are to get anything done we can do it much better some other time. Doubtless you are apt to go through Lawrence on the way to some other game and why not stop 4n and have a 20 or 30 minute visit with me when the geme is played on some other gridiorn but when it is still necessary for you to go through Lewrence to make your destinations You will un@erstand of course, thet I*11 be happy to have luncheon with you at any time, but I think the suggestion is a poor one for this particuler occasion. Why do not you and Artie decide the Kansas-Oklahorm Aggie officials? It's entirely agreeable with mee You and Artie can talk over the matter with Hewer and me after you have made the arrangements. If they have the address of Abb Curtis which 4s 419 Petroloum Building, Fort Worth, will you not carry on the negotiations? Abb Curtis on the date of October 10 wrote to H.A. Dolman, Ire, assistant to Henry Iba, “At present I have an assigned came for February 20 from St. Clair'’s office and seriously doubt my ability to cancel same. However, I will take it up with St. Clair, and write you his action immediately." "J will be glad to accept the February 25 game at Stillwater.” "You may look for e@ letter from me in regard to 5%. Clair's action within the next few days." "Many thanks for these two opportunities to officiate.® Reaves, I'd be glad if you will carry on with St. Clair end make these arrangements. ole You can go ahead and use your own judgement in working with your other associate commissioners in assigning conference games and non-conference games if they're within your juris- diction or your associate's jurisdiction. Of course you learn by the trial and error methods, However, I want you to know that I'm very sympathetic with: your desire to procure better officials. And I heartily agree with you that the less that the coaches have to do with the eelection, the better it will be. When the officials know that theg#re responsible to the commissioners the whole situation wildjte greatly improved. These officials will selected then on ‘the basis of ee and effi-~ ciency. So you have my permission to go ahead 100%. With ell goed wishes I an Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg : Varsity Basketball and Raséball Coach LLL I LEG EET LTT Eu moot sy sy = 5 a : ‘ 4. kann eserrarsanermer mma lene oe er A DE Ge ee FSS eae, Pe ee See 5S pa ee ony Wea. BS g ial Te Z ios fs 4g ne | Sire NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS Eowin N. ATHERTON PRESIDENT Joun L. GRIFFITH Pacific Coast Conference Artuur R. HuTcHENS Intercollegiate Conference ® Southern and Southeastern Conferences (Big Ten) Asa S. BUSHNELL : ® Eastern Intercollegiate ; Reaves E. PETERS Football Association Big Six Conference @ e -ArtuHur E. EMers James W. St. Crain Missouri Valley Conference Southwest Conference October 27, 1941 Dr. F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: The officials for your games with Creighton and Denver will be assigned within the next few days. Artie Eilers and I assigned the officials for the two games between the Oklahoma Aggies and Oklahoma for Maeh 6and 12th. without any difficulty. I don’t believe we would have etountered any difficulty in assigning the officials for your two games. We have not been embarrassed in any way in the assigning of officials for conference and non-conference games in football, and while there is at the present time differences in procemures in the various conferences in regard to the assigning of basketball officials, I believe we should take the lead in establishing some definite plan for this. I believe you know that it is our policy not to assign officials to any game without the consent, thru preferential list or dirrect contact with the coaches, or thru the commissioners of other conferences. The officials for the Western play-off of the National Collegiate was handled in this way. The officials for the various Bowl games are handled in this way and it has proven so much better than the old way of coaches bikering over officials-you know that sometimes happens. According to instructions given me by the Directors it will be necessary that I assign all basketball officials that work on conference floors. The only personal advantage that this gives me is that I know the officials that are working, where and when they are working, and when they will be available for other games. Then too, I believe there is a certain psychological advantage in having the officials realize that they are being assigned from a central office and are responsible, to a certain degree, to that central office for satisfactory work. During the first year of my work in the conference I assigned only conference officials but it soon became apparent to | the coaches that it would be better if I assigned all their officilas. — They realize, and I know the basketball coaches feel the same way a about it, that it creates more work for me, but in the long run it is 2 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS Epwin N. ATHERTON PRESIDENT Joun L. GRIFFITH Pacific Coast Conference Artuur R. HuTcHENS Intercollegiate Conference 8 Southern and Southeastern Conferences (Big Ten) Asa S. BUSHNELL e Eastern Intercollegiate REAVES E. PETERS Football Association Big Six Conference @ @ ArtHur E. EILers James W. Sr. CLair Missouri Valley Conference Southwest Conference better for all concerned. If you are playing a school from another conference and the game isitto be played on their floor I think you should go ahead whth any arrangements you care to make in regards to officials; if you c¢ are to have me help in the matter I will always be glad to do so. I hope we can make some definite arrangements to handle situations that may arise when you are playing away from home, whether or not | you want a mixed crew, or whetther or not you would want this office to contact the assigning agency in the other conference. I will be in Lawrence on Nov.15 for the Kansas-Kansas State ) football game and would like to have a talk with you, in fact a visit would be better, with you. Why not a Lunch together on that date. Very sincerely yours, Pc. R.E.Peters Octoter 24, 1941 Mr. Reaves Peters — 524 So. Chelsea — Kansas City, Mo. Dear Rgaves, Thank you very much for your letter of the 23rd instant enclosing the names and addresses of Big Six basketball officials. As soon as you have written the other official for the Creighton game I will be happy to hear from you. Our gane “with Denver is te be played at Lawrence Dec. 17. The two games with the Oklahoma Aggies are February 20 at Lawrence and February 25 at Stillwater. I am enclosing a copy of our basketball schedule for your information. | : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach P.S.o I might mention, Reaves, So comnunicated regarding officials. He wants Ab Curtis, who is going to work the Stillwater game, but we are not sure yet whether he can be at Lawrence. E. Ae Thomas wants to pick the officials for our geme at Bethel Cellege. The business of the commissioner is still hazy to me, and when we get together on December 5 and 6 I imagine we will get a lot of these things straightened out. Since the office of commissioner is still mew we probebly go ahead and do a lot of these things from habit. P.C.Ae NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS Epwin N. ATHERTON PRESIDENT Joun L. GRIFFITH Pacific Coast Conference Artuur R. HuTcHENS Intercollegiate Conference e Southern and Southeastern Conferences (Big Ten) Asa S. BUSHNELL ® Eastern Intercollegiate Reaves E. PETERS Football Association Big Six Conference e ArtHur E. EILers @ James W. St. Crair Missouri Valley Conference Southwest Conference October, 23--1941 Dr. F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: The enclosed list of Big Six basketball officials are those listed on the various coaches lists. I have assigned Ted O'Sullivan for your Creighton game but was unable to get Carroll for this game. I will assign the other official within a few days; some one near the top of your list. I know you will want two top ranking officials for this game. I have not assigned officials for the Denver game on Dec.17. On the schedule you sent to me the plave where this game ig to be played was not stated. Will you let me know as soon as possible where this game is to be played. I heard that you had scheduled two games with Oklahoma Aggies but have not heard from you about this. Will you give: me this information in your letter. Very sincerely yours, ae ‘% R.E. Peters fe Office of Uaiversity ot Nebraska Ccoumissioner’.ot Officials University of Kansas Lincoln Big <.. Lawrence University of Oklahoma ‘ ; Kansas State College Norman Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Manhattan University of Missouri 342 So. Chelsea Avenue Iowa State College Columbia KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Ames Dec.9, 1941 Dr. F. G. Allen University of Knasas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Here is a hurried lisb of conf erence officials for basketball. Also a list of non-conference games at Lawrence. Now that all changes have been made in the conference schedule we will have that out very soon. 1. Dec. 17 Denver University @ Lawrence House, Hinkhouse 2. Feb. 10 Cregghton @ Lawrence O'Sullivan, Hinsha\ 3. Feb. 20 Oklahoma Aggies @ Lawrence ‘4, Feb. 25 Oklahoma Aggies @ Stillwater Hope to get the Aggie series closed soon. I could'nt get a list from Iba until the meeting here last week-end. Unless I hear to the contrary I will assume that all your home games will start at 7:30 this year. based wl yours, 4 R. E.j Peters CAPPER PUBLICATIONS, INC. TOPEKA 580 KILOCYCLES BEN LUDY MANAGER Dr .F.C.Alion, Director of Physical University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. not be able to and Bethel games. It was most kind of you to have me in mind and I appreciate your thought of me. Kindest regards----and congratulations, even if itis one day after your birthday. St Marys Kaneas. November 16th “ . | ir Reaves Peters, Commissioner, 3B Chelsea Aves, pds * Oley 0. pear Reaves epigine te sou recent communication : regret ns rT not aiews for the Kansane - enver game December I7th nor the ——er ous on February Toth. Xou alec ‘asked me abou the Kansae-Okle, saci "yair” of games Feb. 20th and 25th; 1 could accept one of those dates but eince I could not accept — them both would prefer thet I should "pass" on both. | aya fine of Dr.Allen to @fst my name for these games and recret that I cannot serve in them. Willi be in Kansas city sometime Saturday pecember Sth. tiave deen asked to serve in that AlleStar" «ft."iley foot ball game at Sanhattan saturcay afternoon bes, Sth and exrect to do that. Cordially, B,o,autéley. ce to br.F.CeAlien; out @ very worthy young mms the older ve eet the more generation of youmg fellows With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache Sek? PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHARLES D. LUTZ, SUPERINTENDENT e HORACE MANN SCHOOL GARFIELD STREET AT FIFTH AVENUE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES EDWARD T. DOYNE, PRESIDENT LOYD F. BURRESS, VICE PRESIDENT GLENN O. REARICK, SECRETARY MAYNARD E. SULEY, TREASURER EDITH E. DORMAN, ASST. SECRETARY J. LLOYD TRUMP, PRINCIPAL PAUL N. CARLSON, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL GARY, INDIANA THE WORK-STUDY- PLAY PLAN Dec. 2, 1941 Dr. Forrest Allen KansasUniversity Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you wery much for your recommendation. I know that it has done a lot for me and I shall never forget it. I hope that I can return the favor in seme small way some day. It will have to be small, because I will never be able to repay you. I appreciate the assignment and Hepe that my work will. be satisfactory. Thanking you again and wishing you continued success I an, Sincerely yours, Der Den Elser November 21, 1941. My. William “endt, Basketball Coach, DePaul University, 2236 Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, Tllizeis,. Near Coach Wendt: We will be agreeable to having Mr. Don Elser work in our game. The reason that I asked for Messrs. Clarno, En- right or Craig is because we liked their work. ‘They are nas” CU eee exceptionally high grade. _ Pecararo worked in our first Loyole game and Tf did not care for him. That is why I desired someone else. I will give you a list at some carly date of men from whom we would like to pick the other official. There are tod Director of Physioal Education ont Recreation, PCAsAH Vereity Basketball and Baseball Coach. OF PAUL UNIVERSITY » DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS 2235 Sheffield Avenue ¢ Chicago « Illinois « Telephone Diversey 4340 ATHLETIC BOARD Hon. John A. Sbarbaro Rev. Joseph G. Phoenix, C. M. Rev. Comerford J. O'Malley, C. M. GRADUATE MANAGER Harry D. Taft Paul J. Mattei Arthur B. Morse DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Paul J. Mattei November 18, 1941. Dr. Forrest Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have contacted Clarno, Enright, and Craig and not one of the three are available on that night. Please reconsider Sam Pecararo, Tom Smith, and Frank Mc Elligott. I received a letter from Don Elser asking me to consider him. If you think he is alright I will be glad to put him on the game. Pecararo has an excellent record in this locality and I am at a loss to realize your attitude toward his work. Sincerely yours, William Wendt ww /em Basketball Coach November 26, 1941. Mr. Arthur B. Morse, 10 South LaSalle Ste, Chicago, Tllinois. Dear Arthurs Don Elser end Joe Rieff will be quite agresabie to UB. It was I who asked Bill Wendt to procure Craig, Clarno or Enright, but of course a on thet is out. I am sorry that I do not care for Sem Pecararo's. officiating. I have nothing against him, but there are just some officials Seen 1 ae See nee ee ne I will explain when I sce you. Den Elser worked two games for us with the Univer- sity of Texas. le is a good official, fearless, and he does not chisel. you for your cooperation and assuring you that we will ask for nothing that we would not want our opponents to have, I am ; Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Buseball Coaches Oe PAUL UNIVERSITY « DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS 2235 Sheffield Avenue ¢ Chicago ¢ Illinois « Telephone Diversey 4340 ATHLETIC BOARD Hon. John A. Sbarbaro ~ Rev. Joseph G. Phoenix, C. M. Rev. Comerford J. O'Malley, C. M. Harry D. Taft Paul J. Mattei DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Paul J. Mattei GRADUATE MANAGER Arthur B. Morse Dr. Forrest ¢C. Allen , Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have received your letter regarding officials. I am very sorry that circumstances have caused a dearth of officials for that night. To review the matter, it is my understanding that Bill Wendt mailed you a list of officials which included the names of Craig, Clarno and Enright. Unfortunately, none of these men are available for January Slst, due to previous engagements. Please do not feel that there is an attempt being made to force Sam Pecararo upon you or any- one é€lse for that matter. ‘Since your last letter I have again communicated with the three gentlemen mentioned above and have again been assured that they cannot make the date. If Joe Rieff is available, and I have suggested that he hold that date open subject to your approval, would you consider using him? JI do not know Don Elser, and upon in- quiry found that nobody has heard of him doing work of late. However, if he is your wish and if Joe Rieff 1s acceptable, the officials situation i8 cleared up. doe is a big 10 official, If you are doubtful about either one, please advise me at once and we will continue to submit further names until two officials are picked to the mutual satisfaction of both coaches. You may rest assured that your slightest wish will be accommodated if it is at all possible, with reference to officials and with reference to any other problem. With very best wishes, I remain Very sincerely yours, S. please continue to address me at 10 South La Salle t, Whieh is my law office. November ®B, 1941. Mr. Don Elser, Herace Mann School, Gary, Indiana. Dear Dons I have just received a letter from Arthur Morse, graduate manager of the DePaul basketball team, end he states that he will engege you for our game in Chicago on Jamery Sl. I am glad that you will be able to work. t told him that you are a good official, fearless and thet you do not chisel If I wanted a good recommend- ation Ido not now one that I would rather have than that. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH \ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Novembér 19, 1941 Mr. Don Elser Horace Mann School Gary, Indiana Dear Don, I am enclosing a copy of my letter to Mr. Arthur Morse, Manager of the Chicago Games. I would be glad to use you, but we have not heard from the DePaul authorities as yet about the referees. We certainly would like to have you if we can possibly work it ine - Of course, everyone knows you es a Notre Dame athlete and you have a fine reputation as an official. : I will write you again after I have heard from Mr. Arthur Morse. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach GARY sao SCHOOLS BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES EDWARDT.DOYNE,Presipenrt .. .... f + PSGBABES GS mee YW += = HORACE MANN SCHOOL nWloly i. 4.0, Gore a an | ois Man (0. (ote, VR Unk es ree Pokey - is ag ws ae Novenber 19, 1941 | Mr. Arthur Morse 10 S&. la Salle St. Chicago, Illinois Dear Arthur,. On October 25 I wrote Mr. Paul Mattei, Directer of Athletics of DePaul University, and suggested that we would like to have Ike Craig and Lyle Clarno as officials for our game with DePaul, but to date I have had no word from hin. Don Elser has written me from Gary, Indiana, and we would be very happy to have him act as ene of our officials if we cannot get either of these two I have mentioned to Mr. Mattei. Elser is a very fine official having worked for us a number of times here at Kansas. We want someone who we know is good. You will remember that the officials for the first Loyole-Kansas game were not satisfactory. I wish you would look into the matter’and talk with the DePaul authorities and see if we cannot get someone to do a good job. I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Direvtor of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach @ec. Mr. Don Elser