al i ‘ dice nahin OF FOOTBALL COMMISSIONERS President ArtHuR R. HUTCHENS Southern and Southeastern Conference Epwin N. ATHERTON Pacific Coast Conference Asa S. BUSHNELL Secretary-Treasurer Eastern Intercollegiate REAVES E. PETERS Football Association Big Six Conference ArtHur E. EILers Missouri Valley Conference James W. St. Crair Joun L. GRIFFITH Southwest Conference Intercollegiate Conference (Big Ten) Aug.16,1941 Dr. F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Just received wora@ from Rollie William sying that _ Carrol) would be alright for pour game up there Jan.29th. I have assigned Parke to that Game. He also stated that with your approv- al he was assigning MacDohald to that game. I was rather amused at the attitude of the Boys on the Missouri-Kansas line about officiating. How many assignments have they had-in the Big S5ix?.None. Now that someone is in charge of officials they want to get assinments, apparently not realizing that the ¢ oaches are still saying who they want. They have been invited to all our Clinics and Rules meetings and have been given every encouragement. They have been told how th whole set-tip works and what they must do before they can get on coaches preferential © lists. The first year I assigned football offic ials I had a letter from a man that had worked a few,avery few, college games and he stated that while he had never worked in the Big Six he expected a full schedule the next year since every coach had assured him that he was on their list. He was on one list and that as no.16 Field Judge- we don't go below ten in football. Of course he will probably feel unkindly toward me that is to be expected. I answer every letter I get and take pains to explai everything incdetail. You can imagine how many, and what peculiar letters I get; yourhave been getting them for many years. Atthe present time Andy Skradski is the only officia: over there anyways near ready for Big Six assignments, and he is on the list this year. Ed Ellis is coming along but is not ready. I have been trying to get across the idea that the Big Six is big league and that they must come up thrt the ranks and qualify for this conference; and that officials are picked on their merit and not because he happens to know some of the coaches or is a good fellow. It does'n}$ matter to me who an official is or where he comes from if he can get the job done and the coaches want him then he will get assignments. I have no friends when it comes to assigning officials. Want to talk with you further about this when you cor ae SS ee Mi cae come down. header Wa eh. the hest, of wishes, 3 _ Reaves. —