Goagh Dr.F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Coach Hank Iba Oklahoma Aggies Stillwater, O la. Gentlemen: October 31, 1941 I don't know just what has been done to date about officials for your games, Feb.20 at Lawrence, and Feb.25 at Still- water, but will proceed from here. I will assume that Ab Curtis has been asked to work in both games and has definitely accepted the Feb. 25th. date, and is awaiting word from J.W.St.Clair about the Feb. 20th. date. I feel sure that St.Clair will not release Ab from a date that he has already taken, Jim does not operate that way. In the event that C ur tis can work only the one game would you care to use him?. T will write Ab at once and get his answer about the Feb. 25th. date. The following officials are available, in so far as my records show, for your games: Feb. 20th. 1.Carroll 2.0' Sullivan 3. Pressley 4,Quigley 5. House 6. Volz 7.Hogue 8.Grossman 9.Hinkhouse 10. Browning 11.Hinshaw 12 Hyatt 13. Lance 14. VanReen Feb. 2 sth. Carroll O'Sullivan Pressley Quigley House Volz Hogue Grossman Hinkhouse Browning Hinshaw Hyatt Lance VanReen Will you send me a list of the above officials, in the order of your preference, at once that I may contact them. I am sending a copy of this letter to Artie, and after I receive your reply I will contact him and make, with him, the best selection possible from your lists. If there ar e other officials that you would like to consider please snclude them on your list, and in the order of your preference. ec--To Eilers Very sincerely yours, RQ —_2—9 R.E. Peters