October 30, 1941 Wr. Reaves Peters 324 Chelsea Avée Kansas City, Hoe Dear Reaves, I do not like to make an appointment at a time when Kansas and Kansas State play, or in fact, any came that takes on any mag~ nitude of interest. There are always so many homecoming visitors on days of big games who come in for the game, that about all we can do is talk with the people who come in to say “hello” and to visit their voungsters. If we are to get anything done we can do it much better some other time. Doubtless you are apt to go through Lawrence on the way to some other game and why not stop 4n and have a 20 or 30 minute visit with me when the geme is played on some other gridiorn but when it is still necessary for you to go through Lewrence to make your destinations You will un@erstand of course, thet I*11 be happy to have luncheon with you at any time, but I think the suggestion is a poor one for this particuler occasion. Why do not you and Artie decide the Kansas-Oklahorm Aggie officials? It's entirely agreeable with mee You and Artie can talk over the matter with Hewer and me after you have made the arrangements. If they have the address of Abb Curtis which 4s 419 Petroloum Building, Fort Worth, will you not carry on the negotiations? Abb Curtis on the date of October 10 wrote to H.A. Dolman, Ire, assistant to Henry Iba, “At present I have an assigned came for February 20 from St. Clair'’s office and seriously doubt my ability to cancel same. However, I will take it up with St. Clair, and write you his action immediately." "J will be glad to accept the February 25 game at Stillwater.” "You may look for e@ letter from me in regard to 5%. Clair's action within the next few days." "Many thanks for these two opportunities to officiate.® Reaves, I'd be glad if you will carry on with St. Clair end make these arrangements.