fe Office of Uaiversity ot Nebraska Ccoumissioner’.ot Officials University of Kansas Lincoln Big <.. Lawrence University of Oklahoma ‘ ; Kansas State College Norman Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Manhattan University of Missouri 342 So. Chelsea Avenue Iowa State College Columbia KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Ames Dec.9, 1941 Dr. F. G. Allen University of Knasas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Here is a hurried lisb of conf erence officials for basketball. Also a list of non-conference games at Lawrence. Now that all changes have been made in the conference schedule we will have that out very soon. 1. Dec. 17 Denver University @ Lawrence House, Hinkhouse 2. Feb. 10 Cregghton @ Lawrence O'Sullivan, Hinsha\ 3. Feb. 20 Oklahoma Aggies @ Lawrence ‘4, Feb. 25 Oklahoma Aggies @ Stillwater Hope to get the Aggie series closed soon. I could'nt get a list from Iba until the meeting here last week-end. Unless I hear to the contrary I will assume that all your home games will start at 7:30 this year. based wl yours, 4 R. E.j Peters