St Marys Kaneas. November 16th “ . | ir Reaves Peters, Commissioner, 3B Chelsea Aves, pds * Oley 0. pear Reaves epigine te sou recent communication : regret ns rT not aiews for the Kansane - enver game December I7th nor the ——er ous on February Toth. Xou alec ‘asked me abou the Kansae-Okle, saci "yair” of games Feb. 20th and 25th; 1 could accept one of those dates but eince I could not accept — them both would prefer thet I should "pass" on both. | aya fine of Dr.Allen to @fst my name for these games and recret that I cannot serve in them. Willi be in Kansas city sometime Saturday pecember Sth. tiave deen asked to serve in that AlleStar" «ft."iley foot ball game at Sanhattan saturcay afternoon bes, Sth and exrect to do that. Cordially, B,o,autéley. ce to br.F.CeAlien;