: . UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION | oe OKvcers Seer ead BSereau of Naval Fersorne/ wits VMavy, Dep. ee, ——————_— Ct washrag Few, D.C, Gentlemen: I wish to recommend for your consideration Glenn Alric Ostman, Fame tdess—Seaman, of the U. S. Naval Air Station, Olathe, Kensas, ©°%Swa/y Glenn was graduated from the University of Kansas in 1937 with a B. S. degree in the School of Business. He was our varsity tennis and golf coach during the years of 1938 and '39. He also taught golf in our Physical Education De- partment, teaching both men and women. _ Glenn Oatman is one of the outstanding golf players of the country. He won the Missouri Amateur Open championship in 1937 and the Kansas Open in 1938. Oatman is loyal, dependable and cooperative. He is clean in his personal habits, and in my opinion has the quali- fications for the making of an officer. His character is above reproach, he has always enjoyed the high respect of the faculty and the students here at the University. After leav- ing the University he was in business in St. Louis and it is my understanding that he made a very excellent record. I am glad to recommend him to you without reservation. Sincerely/yours, ene 4 i oo. FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Uf f a