February 8, 1945. Father Cowell O'Neil}, 1229 Vermont Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Father O'Neill: ee ee ee ee Celebration of the payment of the church debt of your church. However, I had an appointment with Mrs. Allen for dimer last night at 6:50, and after that we had made arrangenents to attend the Marie Wilms concert on the hill. | ‘nensear, 1 dp wast you! te kant tnt 2 nagheninte ‘Sere dh your thoughtfulness in inviting me, and I wish to congratulate | Sn Sens Se en bee See in Le ie Ce i od Ef ia pee He tH eas i i Cnuigentlations and continued health and preaperlty. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH : id Basketball Coach.