+ You and the boys must have done a fine job against Iowa State. tt looks as if the road to the championship was now open if you can just drive hard -enough.to get through ..Kansas State up there may be’ kind of tough. They always used to be on that court but we always. managed to nose them out by a few points in the old cdayse. .., ce a TRL Ya EON enya et Fe INE A LE RNS MM ihe NS LOT ILI NR ATG Te Cra sen t Nee ne ERTS Oa Nebel Rs Soh ene i bin 1 don't know whether you wine ‘been seeing any of his stuff but Joe sot _ Cumminsky in the newspaper PM has been plugging for your idea'of a-~ commissioner ~-or-a commissien to: regulate intercollegiate sport on-a nation-wide. basis. He has si also been writing some interesting stuff about. .a,surprisingly. large number of the Garden games.coming out with point PeLater eee sane the best for tfe bookmakerse tee CNR OS FOIE SPIT LU, AREA RON peat ase STMT GRD Wha SES ET Nias RYN pa R ROK Gan hk tenia pon » torre, &f..anything new, develops, on Mit! s case -I'11 let you know at once and if there is anything you want, to, know, or anything you want me to try to do, let me knowelf you will. pass all this dope on to Mit, I.won't take the time to write hin also- Say hello to Mrs. Allene Yours saad ta Tq