page Zy Octe 10, 1944 CROSSCOUNTRYeeeaJake's boys won their 2emile opener apainst the Purcell Gunners here between halves of the Zoom gume@eeeeVicklund, our “ig Six outdoor mile and 2= mile chanp, won it by 100 yards in 10:33.5..Eldon Ferguson, Tulsa freshman, a Bill Lantz boy who las} yeur won the state highschool crosscountry run and also the cluss A mile and half-mile, finished second with only a week's training(he enrolled laté).e.eedack Osborn of Tulsa third.,...Ivan Evans our freshman from Putnam City, the state HS +40 champ last two years, was fourthee.thoeir first man fifthe..eHow- ever our youngsters took it on chin 30-25 in close races at Taft stadium between pee texas aggie football game Saturday night October TeeeeVicklund won in 10:22, following Hampton six laps, then out-finishing him by 40 yardseeeeOsborn fourth, Ferguson seventh, Winston Hudson of Healdton, state HS class B 880 king, was eighth and Evans tenth...ei/e may run Texus -ggies a return co at 3 or 4 miles “at College Station lateree.ewo run Purcell Gunners a return race this week ut Purcell (big Naval gunnery school down there, about 6 miles east of Lexincton)...eIt's 5 miles.... Our twosmile team is real younge.e..Vickluni 19, Ferguson 18, Evans 18, Hudson 17 and Osborn the dean at 20eeeeVic and Usborn in Nuvy unit here, Ferguson end Evens are army Air Force reserves expecting call dailys..eiudson below military agee BASKETBALLeeeeSruce has bezun i eeeothey work ut nizhteeeed lettermen dack, all pecwecSseeeDon Buelow of | nid, Jack Landon, OC Capitol Hill and Ed Lindenberg ooeetie huve one fine oie, Bill Whaley, who played last year at Pepperdine col- lege in California....iie'sM little toosseethe rest is pretty green material but Bruce has 60 odd boys working. JUNIOR VaARSITYeeeetThe only all-victorious team on the campuSeeseusing T formation and couched by three llavy chiefs, Ben tankersley, ifose Yims and Swede Johnson, they have beaten Purcell 25-12, Holdenville 19-0, and last Friday night at ada they took Hast Central 14=6.e.e.eche Jayveecs are fizhtersee.ewith six minutes to play at Ada they trailed 0-6.%..Then they got kinda mad, so mad that Joss Sweeting, their guard, even scored a touchdown on a special play that could be called"Sweeting's Sweet- heart."see. this week they play Henryetta HS, also all-vic, at 4enryettas..e.Our Jvs are nearly all Uavy unit boys assigned heres... they play all their games on the road which means they have to be a touch and a half better than their opponents to gét a draweeeeiiobody has even tied them yeteeseeThey scat from the T and also from a plain vanilla single wingeeeeThey ure young, light kids, averaging, perhaps, 19 anid about 155 or 160 pounds...eThey rim up against all sorts of obstacles on their trips, such as weird officiating, unfriendly crowds, tire trouble, etc, but they like to play, and hoWe'ece: : CHA*Feeesifyrle Yreathousc, wounded on Guam, is back at Pearl Harbor resting upeees tie was shot throuzh legs but in Hawaii wus trying to play footballeseeeAl Horwitz, our 155 1b. rassler several years ago, hus a 30-day “ee from the Havy in the India theater and is visiting his wife at Dallase...He is a Loot JGeoe-S/set, Skeet Harnage, our Cherokee Indian broadjumper, is back in the wen after 50 missions, 3014 combat hourseeseeiie has 4 Silver Star, Distin;uwished Flying Crosse..ePresiden- tid taeeee) citation, asiutic Pacific Theater rood conduct meduleeesecni. Loocey Ken "Crow “op" Farris, our 8ig Six broad jump champ(4 times), now in marine quarter- mastery, furpished the above dopes.e.skeet won t talk although he did tell Ken, "Ain't these medals a mess? ‘hen I pin them all.on, they look like somebody spilled fruit salad on my shirt."....the university is rapidly being converted back to a peacetime basiSeeeeCur army contingent dwindled from 1,000 to 200, scores of dis- charged veterans are here, the university is desperate for (1)money for an adequate faculty, and (2)housing space for students....fith 2 big naval units on each side of town and rent high, few people want to rent room to studentsess.The football team hasn't been able to get its new uniforms delivered and played first two games in old ragzed stuff that looked as bad as Norman high's practice stuff..eeJust 2x»fore the’ Zoom game Red Dinkins was leading culisthenics....the new girls pep club, 90 gals, was drilling nearby,....s Red led a vigorous"jumping jack,"the seat of his | old pants fell out,...Sarge durne! him up....PS new stuff cot here for Texus gume .