Phone 271211 ~ THE ae ae eg oR LAH OMA H OKLAHOMA. cit ¥ T Mz Ss THE FARMERSSTOCGCKMAWN January 18,1944 Dry F.C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear “riend Phog: We are running a series of articles on "How to Stop Bob Kurland." I know you've heard of the lad---Hank Tba's "-foot center and by the way some of the folks down this way sorta think you ditched the Aggies until Kurland got out of school. Now of course I did n't say that to make you mad. However, back to the subjegt--I just knew that you cauld park yourself and dash off a masterpiece on the subject of how to stop Kurlang the goals to 12-Tfoot the subjectt. ahoman Sports Desk, Oklahoma City, Ckla. P.S. Doc, what ever happened to our mutual friend Roy Bennett who once coached here at Ventral’ VBS