UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, KANSAS $e8e4 4 Mr. Alf T. H. Oleson, age 27 years Graduate of Kansas University Sehool of Pharmacy, B.S. Degree in Pharmaey. Granted leave of absence from position (as of Mareh 6, 44) as Ché@f Pharmacist at Watkins Memorial Hospital, Health Service, K. U. Has been unable to secure release for leave of absence from position due to the fact that no pharmacists were available. A young woman graduating Mareh 1, 44 was obtained to release Mr. Oleson for military Service. Went to draft board and signed voluntary induction papers requesting the Navy. He wishes to continue along his own experienced line of work and therefore is very interested in being inducted into the navy as pharmacists mate,