OUTLINE OF ACTIVITY PLANNED FOR BASKETBALL GANES ON FRIDAY aND SATUADAY JANUARY 29 and 30 after the teams werm up, Kenees University band playe Grimson and Blue™ and hovouone Aweigh" from a position in a center of the arena floor. or ay Color Guard from Olethe Neval Air Stetion marches ‘on the floor to the best of “Anchora Aweigh" and takes a position in the canter and in front of the Kansas Univeral ty Band. 4% the end of “Anchors Aweigh" the band plays the "Ster Spangled Banner", 7 At the end of the Anthem, the Color Guard is drumied the floor 4nd the band goes to thely seats. When the drumming st tops, house lights go off and the ‘light gees on, Btar tinge Lineup oF Kensas and Olathe enbrocuned. ee Ne House lights go on and the gene sterte. The Official Olathe Band will march during the half and elose with several avenge numbers from the center af ne fleor, “Second halt a the game 18 played. Between eames, the Kansas University Band and the Slath Officlel Band cen split the time with musical numbers. peters hb aecued gene, the house lights go off and nts on as the Missouri University lineup is intro- Then the Great. ees team igs introduced. House lights co -on snd the second game begins. halves, Cadets : os the Olathe Nava il Aly Station iil. . : Bot ie & Fhe so eone nih t Qeesda danuary 30, the oregram mith be the same Sccene. ‘for intreduction of the playerg “(the order WiLL be changed) and the Cadetea will show exemplea of athletic activities (nand-to-hand combat, boxing, wrestling, etc. a) | i t \ In reply address not the signer of this letter, but Bureau of Naval Personnel, a NAVY DEPARTMENT P-2443b-1j | BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL WASHINGTON, D.C. January 28, 1943 Dear Phog: I am taking this opportunity of answering your letter which you sent to Commander Tumney in behalf of Glenn A. Oatman. Since Oatman is in the Navy, it will be necessary for him to make any transfer through official channels’ which I have explained to him. It is good to see your name again, ss I watched the progress of your Kansas team through the Fast at Christmas. The next time you meet Henry Iba of Oklahoma A. & Me, give him my best regards. Very truly yours, Vag. owe N; Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N.R. Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Jamary 14, 1943. Mr. Dorman H. O'Leary, Stern Brothers & Co., ‘Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dorman: ; I thought that you would pick the flaw in the plan to have Kansas play both games first. This is how it happened. | Jimmy Nixon called me and said that he hoped we could arrange it so Hansas would aot play Great Lakes until Saturday night be- cause if Kensas played Great Lakes Friday night the crowd interest’ would be over and we would not draw half as well as if we could arrange 1t the other way. I realize that playing Great Lakes the second night will impair our chance of winning over Great Lakes, but Missouri had their arrangements to play Great Lakes first at Columbia, and the fact that Great Lakes had asked that they play the first night's geme last, and their second night's game first Se en ey en or them. So it was just a series of ciroumstances, plus Jimmy Nixon's business acumen that prompted the arrangements. I did not explain all those things to everybody, but certainly Missouri is favored in every angle and Kansas, being supposedly the top team, is taking a deferred place. So the most rabid Missourian can only wdabuae Sitar Uk ek as sanaPemunk This is the inside information which you need not pass on. With all good wishes, I em Sineerely yours, Direstor of Physisal Education, FCAsAR Varsity Basketball Coach. STERN BROTHERS & COMPANY DORMAN H.OLEARY VICE PRESIDENT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI January 11, 1946. Dear Phog: IT am sorry I have been slow in answer- ing your letter of the sixth, but I have just gotten off the Grand Jury which took a good deal of my time. The only thing I see about the schedule is the fact that Kansas apparently plays both games first. You may have some good reason for this and if it is satisfactory to you, the pro- gram looks all right. My very best congratulations on the way the team has been going! Theodore says he thinks it is the finest Kansas team he has ever seen - which is going some. I am looking forward to seeing them the next time they are in Kansas City. Very sincerely, Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. DHO: AE Noverber 17, 1942. Dr. R. I. Canuteson, Director, : Student Health Service. Dear Dr. Cenuteson: ’ Thank you for your letter concerning Robert Oberfell. I heartily agree with you that he should be ex- cused from further participation in the physical conditioning course. Thank you for your fine cooperation. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, Kansas November 11, 1942 Dr. Fe. C. Allen Department of Physical Education aed Bee aes University of Kansas ee erie Skee Lawrence, Kansas _ | | Be Pe Oe oh ieee, een, On further observation of Robert Oberfell ‘ I believe it is advisable to excuse him from the 3 required physical conditioning courses. a Yoursvery truly, Ralp Ie Canuteson, M.D. B | ; Director RIC:k Hi 2k . cc to Mr. G. G. Oberfell, sae ee Mr. A. J. Mix. LAWRENCE, Kansas November 11, 1942 al se aes ae _ Department of Physical Education feng aa , ea ‘University of Kansas on Ce ae Pa a _ Lawrence, Kansas _ : ; ie Deep Be, Alen, oe On further observation of Robert Oberfell, I believe it is advisable to excuse him from the i required physical conditioning courses. | - 4 : | oa : Your wery truly, ga . as | RalpX I. Canuteson, M.D. : | ee | 7 Director | n ee RIC:k ae a nA tees ce to Mr. G. &. Oberfell, es. Be Ge Hyatt, Mr. Ae Je Mix. a November 10, 1942. Dr. R. I. Canuteson, Director, Student Health Service, | University of Kensas. Dear Dr. Canuteson: | Thank you for your letter of the 9th instent eoncern- ing Robert Cberfell. I appreciate your giving me this confidential information, and it will be regarded in such light. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS : ; HEALTH SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, KANSAS November 9, 1942 Bac LAY Ae ta | Dre F. C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Gt eel Be pCR eagles ck Ga fet Dear Dr. Allen, Confirming our telephone conversation of November 7, I suggest that Robert Oberfell be permitted to start physical conditioning now, rather than next semester, if you can give him a little special help. He should not do any swimming or apparatus work, but can participate in marching, calisthenics and games. raat eat oi Sa oka aac rc Sincerely, Ralph I. Canuteson, M.D. Director RIC:k cc to: Mr. Oberfell Dean Jakosky Vr. A. Je Mix J, (len cae ee eg a east e ae EPI ERE EERE SEIT SA SF SaaS io ad CG. GCG. OBER ELEL BARTLESVILLE, OKLAHOMA Nove 2, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Many thanks for your letter of October 29, 1942. Had I known that you were the person to whom I should have written, I would have addressed you directly in- stead of sending my letter to Dean Jakosky. You can rest assured that I know you have the wel- fare of the boys in mind and will do everything you ean for them. I wish to explain that I was not com plaining about your physical education courses. On the contrary, I had learned that Robert had been excused from the courses and was, therefore, not receiving any benefit from class activities which are so well needed. by boys of his age. Consequently, I wrote with the idea of being sure that he did have the opportunity of taking just as much work as the doctor would approve. Again thanking you for your letter and expecting to have the pleasure of seeing you again in the near future, I remain SG yours, GGO: Liv G G. Oberfell October 29, 1942. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. { October 29, 1942. Dr. B. SG Hyatt, The Springer Clinic, Tulee, Ckleahomee Deas Dre Hyatt: The enclosed letter is self-explenatery. ‘The Univer~ eity ruling is. that these students can he excused from ee te ie atk co oe ie ae « Cenuteson. ‘If you will correspond with Dr. Camrteson Ham muro wil be very hapey to cooperate with Yous 6 we will also. , Ps ‘Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical apace PCA: Aa pty Basketball Coach ENO e Ootober 29, 1942. a il i HEE un i 3 4) Hid | 43 i a af nN dit 3 Tae lie aj Iss syst i a i ia its ash safeguard nebert"s ——" é iL i i a a gt j i iL é 3 Director of Physical Uduoation, Varsity Basketball Coach. i «~POAAE aceDre . fuate SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL : LawRENCE, KANSAS October 27, 1942 Dr. F, Ce Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas _ Dear Dr. Allen, . : Dean Jekosky referred to me a letter from Mr. G. G. Pe Rea ee ce Oberfell of Bartlesville, Oklahoma relative to his son Robert. bese ies a ee Mr. Oberfell requests that an outline of the physical condition- | ing course be sent to Dr. E. G. Hyatt of the Springer Clinic at Tulsa, Oklahoma, who has been Robert's physician for several years. This seems to be somewhat of a reverse procedure since we prefer to have information from the family doctor relative to the ability of the student to participate in the program : rather than to outline for him the program and let him decide what part of it they boy may be able to handle. I will appreciate ae TS i | it greatly if you will see that Dr. Hyatt gets an outline of your | ee ee : physical conditioning course and I have asked Dr. Hyatt in return ea Se | to give us a statement of Robert's past medical history. His present examination reveals nothing which would interfere “oe at ordinary physical exercise. ae Sincerely, lpf I. Canuteson, M.D. Director copy copy Ge G. Oberfell Bartlesville, Oklahoma October 19, 1942 Dean Je J. Jakoski University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dean Jakoski, As you kmow, my son, Robert, is attending the engineering school at the University of Kansas. There has been some question as to whether the gymasium work is too strenuous for him. Dr. E. Ge Hyatt of the Springer Clinic at Tulsa, Oklahoma has been Robert's physician for several years. Dr. Hyatt desires to have full information regarding the gymnasium work in order that he may pass judgment on this matter. Since he did not know to whom to write it is my understanding that he has written a general letter for Robert to give to his physical director requesting that he discontinue gymnasium work pending an investigation of the matter. Will you please have the physical director write Dr. Hyatt furnishing him with the required information pertaining to the exact nature of Robert's gymasium work. Early attention to this matter will be appreciated since it is desirable to have Robert resume his gymnasium work as soon as possible providing the course is adaptable to his situation. I am sorry to bother you regarding this matter but I did not know to whom else to write. Sincerely, GeG. Oberfell Copy copy copy PER DE ET eee ot PART Rs MAS ala TE Seals ROE SA, November 4, 1942. Mr. G. G. Oberfell, Researoh Department, Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Oberfell: | I will be very happy to see you Saturday morning, November 7th, at my office in Robinson Gymnasium. It will be a pleasure to have a visit with Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. G. G. OBERFELL IN REPLY REFER TO VICE-PRESIDENT RESEARCH DEPARTMENT November 3 2 1942 0-1189-42 R.C. ALDEN. DIRECTOR T. W. LEGATSKI, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR F.E. FREY, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR W. A. SCHULZE. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR W.B. LERCH, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR R.L. DOAN, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I expect to be in Lawrence Saturday morning, November 7, and if convenient to you, would like very much to see you. I will call when I arrive and hope that arrangements can be made for us to get together, With kindest regards, I am Yours very truly e G. Ge Oberfell GGO: ESk HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GEORGE F. ‘BAKER FOUNDATION Sotprers FieLtp OFFICE OF THE DEAN Boston, MassacuuseTts September 29, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens: On behalf of the Committee on Admission I would like to thank you for your letter recom- mending Michael P. O'Donnell for admission to the Business School. Although he is applying for admission to the February class and will there- fore not be considered by the committee util some- time in November, I am sure that your letter will be helpful to the members of the committee in making their decision. If we can be of assistance to you at any time, please do not hesitate to let us know. ae very truly, Chet ciiens Florence K. Glynn fg For the Committee on Admission STERN BROTHERS & COMPANY DORMAN H. OLEARY VICE PRESIDENT : KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI September 9, 194¢é. Dear Phog: I know you will understand why I have not answered your letter of the twenty-sixth when I tell you that I have just returned from my vacation. : I very much appreciate your keeping me up to date on the situation with respect to the basketball games, as this matter is frequently discussed at Auditorium Board meetings. I quite agree with you about George Edwards. I never saw such silly letters as he has written about . this matter. I am looking forward to seeing you shortly. sincerely, FA gaan ena fice President. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. DHO: AE acs eta rem | | September 24, 1942. tir. Michael 0*Dennell, 1902 Centinental Bldg., St. Louis, Misseuri. ‘Dear ir. O'Donnell: I have your geed letter of September 21 and I assure you it was a pleasure fer me te write a recommendation to Harvard University for Mike's pessible graduate work there. Mike is a fine young man and we are always happy to help a young man help himself. With all geod wishes to you and Mra. O'Dennell, I am Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education, PCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. F. STANLEY BEVERIDGE, President C. L. O'BRIEN, Treasurer STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS, Lne. STAN LEY WESTFIELD :: :: MASSACHUSETTS cy ca 5g M. E. O‘DONNELL fee a Poe 1902 Continental Bldg. ; Lege a/, es ST. LOUIS, MO. / : 4. of ey = Lo 5 : 5 —) : 4 ied: cetred A | Lee fro Lott snd, Ph A hs / ; , ee Ben ss hry ka Zo Lang t Patr : Cttler ee avg thom —. jon Can alr Oe 7 ee | ) | in oe Af Pe. Fo | : me AEM, tT uly hy Py Ly L Pe Oe ll “vit = ——— Cece f : Ds ee ee rand Conrthme, oe We La if ae pif. _f- y ; / : ] “ha om tee. oe aa JO oa? 1 ae of tn- FUta : = ALTA ae ie af : y Co eRe te ae eee Ke a ee yp s f ye 2 ' in age 7 a ee ee sees mrad 8, ; Se / Meng rdincy ‘ , , is J poe cen Ae fy FIL fe : ZL : Fs eo . —t-C1 esis Frucatt AAL4 > ¢ (/ Fea: Y Wf eee an. - 4 ? / vf i, Cs They Stand The Test e ® e { em very happy to commend Michael Peter O'Donnell, of ou University ef Kansas, who is applying to your school for admission. I heve known Michael ©'Demnell for te years mui have had him in my class. I find him te be an enterprising, intelligent young man. ilo has a ty and.an aggressive attitude toward splendid ie pureats GF Sie Uline < as dnd te eee din sian Pewniie, VYory sincerely yours, September 16, 1942. ity. Glenn Oatuan, S710 Warwick Bivd., Kansas City, Moe Dear Glem I am glad to write the enclosed letter of reconmend- ation to Gene Tunney in your behalf. ——o— Jobe I enjoyed the case with you Monday ant waa hapzy to have a visit with you. With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, 3 | Director of Physical Education, FOAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ene. e 4 : : fide? Ul tages! | Malai jane en ae daltg / A irs 4 i aH me H | Un rl ine = dl piepig fo 3 uate H , eae dade OM 7 lity He iis it TR tg ha alk ub nih March 14, 1942. Mr. Glenn Oatman, Ellison Hotel, Kensas City, Mos Dear Glenn: I am returning your posteard which I received this morning, and I want you to lock et it carefully. You apparently have not learned the first rule of business pro- cedure. I could not write a letter of recommendation te Gene Tunney on the strength of such a hastily written post- card. ~ : If you care to sit down and write me ea nest, business-like letter, stating what sort of a recommendation you went, I will write to Lt. Commander Tunney. But you : have not dignified yourself by scribbling on this post card. Unless sonebedy tells you where your weaknesses | are you will never gain strength. Sincerely yours, oe 4 | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AT Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. | Novenber 10, 1942. Mr. Dick Oeil, | Box 66, ; Oil Center, Hew Mexico. : ‘Dear Dick: I acknowledge your letter of November 1, and em sorry that I have delayed in getting the information to you. Roland Logan is at the Naval Pre-Flight School, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, We ©. He is the trainer for Jim Crowley's pre-flight football teame I have had a number of letters from boys asking the same in- formation that you are asking and I have bem unable to give them any information, However, Murray Brown, who assisted me as freshman coach \ Director of Physical Education, 2AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Dick O'Neil Lettered in football in '31,'32, and '33; in baseball in '32. Mo ae iY ay 3 eH ie Ae at | |, j E54 agrs ages giste re a ee aed Eh 4 Hip ipl is i ! dasqes sse2 geeky Se : rH i eile sis' . i i Has 485 S323, He. ual 4 bs ; si; fet geties aid eagle : —% ra Fag glide eh: ‘ iH j ve ed HE ries a7839; s : toy ih, dis He {lie fH a] Hag edt Gia fect b fe det ee els ipa i i ul ef; tile “f ee | akal q 6 i,t ih of =9 ‘EG ; 2 slid i i ie ii ual 5 fate ! Drawer PP Hobbs, New Mexico February 14, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Deer Doc: - OL Lor No doubt you will be surprised to hear from me Have so many years of silence. I wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten the $45.00 I owe you and that. I think that I can send it to you before very long---perhaps within the next two months. I know you wonder why I have been unable to repay it before this but I can assure you that it has not been possible for me to do so. I have had a steady job but it doesn't pay enough for a per- son to get very much ahead. Living expenses are very high out here and coupled with a few Doctor bills for my wife and three moves in the last 3 years has made it hard for me to save enough to pay even such a small debt. I have followed your continued success each year and I have been very proud of having had the opportunity to learn the game of basketball under you. I guess I wasn't much of a student in action but I did learn the game, Using your system I have coached and played on the best independent teams in three different ereas in three different years. I have taken squads of Texas and New Mexico college graduates, taught them your system and made believers out of the players, opponénts and fans in the West Texas area. I wish you continued success and will pukx be pulling for you in all your remaining games. Once in awhile I get to hems them on the radio although it is hard to pick up stations in that locality out here. I have been trying to come back to school to do some more studying and perhaps I can make it next year. ! Sincerely. yours, Rd Cm Baral tee yetnaae S < WER atid urvauctnay ni Be, January 7, 1945. Mro Ro f. O*Meil, Box 66, 011 Center, New Mexico. Dear Dicks After I had returned with the basketball team from Buffalo, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis, I came back to my desk ‘ to open my Christmas mail. I found and beautiful Christmas greeting for the holiday season. And me very happy and proud - happy that you hed sent me a check in part payment for the loan that I advanced you to permit you to continue your college education. I am proud of the fact that although you were not blessed with toc mich of the world's goods at present and doubtless burdened by sickness and other debts, you apportioned your earnings to enable you to make a payment on thet debt. I sincerely thank you for the check and I hope that you have a very happy New Year and a successful and prosperous one. Our best wishes to your good family. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.