. fuate SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL : LawRENCE, KANSAS October 27, 1942 Dr. F, Ce Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas _ Dear Dr. Allen, . : Dean Jekosky referred to me a letter from Mr. G. G. Pe Rea ee ce Oberfell of Bartlesville, Oklahoma relative to his son Robert. bese ies a ee Mr. Oberfell requests that an outline of the physical condition- | ing course be sent to Dr. E. G. Hyatt of the Springer Clinic at Tulsa, Oklahoma, who has been Robert's physician for several years. This seems to be somewhat of a reverse procedure since we prefer to have information from the family doctor relative to the ability of the student to participate in the program : rather than to outline for him the program and let him decide what part of it they boy may be able to handle. I will appreciate ae TS i | it greatly if you will see that Dr. Hyatt gets an outline of your | ee ee : physical conditioning course and I have asked Dr. Hyatt in return ea Se | to give us a statement of Robert's past medical history. His present examination reveals nothing which would interfere “oe at ordinary physical exercise. ae Sincerely, lpf I. Canuteson, M.D. Director