March 14, 1942. Mr. Glenn Oatman, Ellison Hotel, Kensas City, Mos Dear Glenn: I am returning your posteard which I received this morning, and I want you to lock et it carefully. You apparently have not learned the first rule of business pro- cedure. I could not write a letter of recommendation te Gene Tunney on the strength of such a hastily written post- card. ~ : If you care to sit down and write me ea nest, business-like letter, stating what sort of a recommendation you went, I will write to Lt. Commander Tunney. But you : have not dignified yourself by scribbling on this post card. Unless sonebedy tells you where your weaknesses | are you will never gain strength. Sincerely yours, oe 4 | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AT Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. |