MBA Exerny Cood Wesh fo Jaa Happ ines b i, HOLIDAY SEASON < 3 £ Z I greatly enjoyed your fine letter of the 16th instante I an sending you a aouple of Jayhawk Rebounds letters timt we have sent'to the boys in the service. While it 1s all Jayhesker reading, doubt- less some of it may be interesting because you mow many of the boys. We find that they enjoy getting _ each other's addresses. When this fuss is over we certainly will be glad to have you back with us. Lots of good luck, Ted. Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Siucation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. whi TI G|RGGGGRRRQRKRKRRRRRRAAYY J Lz = bd loSdhunn * vr. FC Allen ee Athletic De partment Special Unwerv sity of Ka nse $ Lawrence fo s¢7 . cuutliGem (mantas Pug I 148 _— A bw. Chl: Somentham 16 j JS { __ tie - perenne-K Ss Cols BLE lets se WARREARRACRNRARRARARR August 27, 1943. Mr. Dorman O'Leary, dre, CornellCollege, Mt. Vernon, Towee Dear Dorman: ; Night before last I saw your grandmother at a dinner party, and she told me of the fine record you are making in your studies at Cornell College. This is a splendid achievement, Dorman, and I want you to know that we are very proud of you. With best wishes for your continued success, I am Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coam. U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION OLATHE. KANSAS August 12, 1943 Dre Fe Ce Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas_ Dear Friend: Just a line to let you know how much I appreciate the nice letter which arrived yesterday. Beth and I enjoyed our little visit with you and feel we are indeed lucky to have such a’ friend. I will let you know the outcome of my application. Sincerely, Glenn Oatman June 18, 1943. Lieut. Theodore iM. O'Leary, Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board, Bryant Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Ted: Thank you so much for your kindness in giving me the information that you did. You will find enclosed a letter that I have written to Kirk Scott's father at Newton, which I believe is self-explanatory. If I am in need of additional intereaiion 5 wkAk We glad to contact you. With ali good wishes and kindest regards, I an Fraternally yours, pirector of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. dune 2, 1943. The fine write-up in the Kansas City Star emowoing your leaving and the receipt of four photographs of nine of my varsity basketball players, causes me to write you this double- letter 3 te th to our boys. When I say “our boys", 1 do not put it in the narrow plane of nines basketball players, but nine thousand boys, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. : E May 10, 1943. Mr. He Ce Oberhéimen, Citigens State Bank, Randolph, Kansas. Dear Mike: — Thank you for your good letter of Haroh Srd. i em sorry that I failed to acknowledge sooner your words of congratulation. I assure you we liked your work very much and we trust that you will be able to work for us again if and when we have a basketball tean. Wishing you sontinued success, I an Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA: AH ; iz Varaity Basketball Coash. « Fe KH. SHELLENBAUM, PRESIDENT - H. H. OBERHELMAN, CASHIER A. V, SCHWARTZ, VICE-PRESIDENT M, C. OBERHELMAN, ASS'T CASHIER 83-609 CITIZENS STATE BANK RANDOLPH, KANSAS March 3, 1943 Des Fo OC. Ailen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I want to take this means to again thank you for the favors and hospitality afforded me this past seasone It has always been a pleasure to work for you and your boys and I sincerely trust that my work met with your approval. I want also to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to you and your boys on winning another conference championship. You have a very enviable record to say the least. Although the future is quite uncertain for many of us, I am hopeful of returning to Kansas University come another basket ball seasone Kindest regards, I remain, espectfully yours, SPECIAL SERVICES SECTION RECEPTION CENTER #1773 FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS Mr. Warren Hodges c/o Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Hodges: Please pardon the delay in answering your letter relative to baseball games with your University. We will be very glad to play two games with the Kansas Team and in as much as our problems are the sans relative to transportation, would it be satisfactory to schedule games on a home and home basis. We will be able to meet your Team on practically any dates that will be satisfactory with you. Please inform me as soon as possible relative to dates. Sincerely yours TJOS/jer bog al itd AGEN Se eS ae et ea ae as Ec eR ol Bi da Place tr sul y my s A e Services Officer lilies ala HEAD TOFOOT OUTFITTERS LAWRENCE, KANSAS April 23, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas City Dear Dr. Allen: Here is a letter from the Ked people. If you know of anybody else we could take it up with please let us know and we will be glad to do it. Very sincerely, i a By HBO:MB TELEPHONE Victor 7124 United States Rubber Company 313 W. EIGHTH STREET + KANSAS CITY, MO. April 22, 1943 — Ober 's Lawrence , Kansas Gentlemen: In reply to your letter of April 20th regarding gym and basketball shoes for men and women, we wish to advise that we have nothing which we are able to offer. Our company is not manufacturing a canvas shoe with rubber sole of any type, neither for sport or for athletic use or everyday weare So far as we know now there are no plans being discussed for their manufacture for the duration of the war. We are sorry we will have to disappoint you until such a time as their manufacture canbe resumed or until materials and machinery and man power are made available for that purpose. Very truly yours, Sfx. Footwear - Clothing Sales JC 31m April 2, 1943. Dr. Arthur EK. Owen, Mills Building, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Dr. Ower: ‘You are a charm. I want to thank you and Mrs. Owen very much for your fins words of con- gratilation. A letter from you such as this makes me feel especially happy. T will corvey your and Mrs. Owen's regards to Mra. Allen, and I thank you so much for your genuine thoughtfulness. Only I tell you now that you overerate me very, very much. Iwas happy to have Kirk, as he is a grand bey. And to have friends like you two is worth much. & Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. _ ARTHUR K. OWEN, M. D. MILLS BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS March 24th, 1943-6 Doctor Forrest Allen, Basket Ball Coach University of Kansase Dear Coach --= Mrs, Owen and I just want to tell you that we are mighty glad and happy that you again,as usual, won the Big Six Basket Ball Title, You are a grand Coach ,and & lot grander Man. Kansas University is fortunate indeed , to have you, You do more for the boys who are fortunate unough to come under your influence , than all the YMCAs and reformers put together, Mrs. Owen and I will always be indebted to you for what you did for Kirk, Give our reguards to Mrs. Alien , amd on ahead -=| in these tempestuous and fearful,and glorious times , good luck --- and Happy Dayy e The world has great need for men like you , Very Sincer March 2, 1945. Yrs. J. Wo Oursler, Editor, Kansas Parent-Teacher, 622 South Grove, Dear Mrs. Oursler: I have asked our publicity manager, Mr. K, W. Davidson, to mail you a cut for use in your magazine this month. I am sure that you will receive it at once. am . Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation, Varsity Basketball Coach. Kansas Parent-Teacher OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Kansas Congress gf Parents and Teachers Mrs. J. W. OURSLER, EDITOR @ 622 SOUTH GROVE PUBLISHED MONTHLY (EXCEPT JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST) BY THE ZONA PRINTING Co. WICHITA, KANSAS February 27, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Sir; I received your article for the March Kansas Parent-Teacher and would like very much to run your picture with it. Do you have a cut thas I micht use ? We have to use a metal cut or have a cast mede from a mat for the magazine, If you have one I would like to use it for the March edition ena “a6 well as. the April number as you are to be on our State Convention program, May I have it at once as we go to press this week. Thank you, and I shall return it to you. Yours truly, W. Oursler, Editor. Mrs. J Pebruary 2, 1943. Mr. Re Te O'Neil, Box 66, 0il Center, New Mexico. Dear Diok: / i. I am very glad to respond to your requ % for a letter of recommendation, and I hope it gets the job done for youe Lots of good luck, Dick. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. as Dick oftes) wtiewied the = | of Kemes Dron 1935 to 19k, eiswe leaving seheol & responsible position with tiv Phillipe ‘etroles: Company. “hile & student ;% of Xomaas Blok O'all was an : muher of tie feathall ani basketball squnds, end I cone in iF Hi «Glial ae a yaumg wen of exeellent character. Me has a fine parsonality, is « lard worker, and posseuses high 3 wf Land Bs initiative aul leyaitye i am very " conmiger atl one FCA sAR varuitey Bas on Oil Center, New hiexico | February 12, 19436 Dr. F. C. Alien Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas bear Doc, Again i am asking you a favor. Does it get monotonous? I hope not and I also hope that some day i tay be able to be on the "other ena of some favors," i fave applica for a Commission in the Navy. I hope to get into Physical mducation. I have been interviewed and examined and now I have to furnish several documents such as birth certificate, transcript and letters of rec- ommendation. I am wondering if you feel that you could write me a letter of recommendation? I realize that it might be hard for you to honestly vouch for me when you havent seen me or known much about me for a number of years¥® To make it easier please let me make the following state- ments; i have been happily married to one girl for seven years; ido not gemble in any way; I have kept up my financial and other obligations without any troubles; I drink only under social pressure; I have never been drunk; i have had no entanglements with the law, however slight; i fave always been regarded well in whatever community I happened to live in; i have worked steadily for the Phillips Petroleum Compely ana have enjoyed better than average advan- cemient. 1 now hold a responsible position with the company. if you do feel that you @n give me a létter of recommendation, would you please address it to "The Chief of Naval Personnel, Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. %" it is necessary. to write the letter in TRIiPLICats. You could add- poss bre SU BEEE to the above mentioned party, seal the three copies, and then drop that envelope in another envelope to me. it is necessary that I assemble all required letters and documents here before mailing them into the New Mexico headquarters. _. i will thakk you in advanee for your consideration and wish you continued success in an already successful basketbix1ll season. Very best wishes, KI Pick Cte LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 13, 1943 Dr. FF. Cs Alien Yhysical Education Dept. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We certainly will appreciate it anytime you can turn anything our way. It looks as if we might need all the help we can get before the year is over, with so many young men going into the service. Thanks very much. Any time we can serve you personally we would like it. Very sincerely, OBER 'S HBO:MB ay " iia, o _ - me ere es ame eee set tes eee ees ete ee a ts STATEMENT LENO UU AMAL I 2) 821 MASSACHUSETTS STREET LAWRENCE, KANSAS / s Physical Education Department Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas a / ee ee eh tree ee ee ene eee mee ewe ees, corey eee eee te: ee emer mm eee te mess se ter ee is meee: de ea ee ee tee ee me ee ee cee ee ee eee bees Se ee ee ee os ee ee oe ee DATE DESCRIPTION CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE PREVIOUS BALANCE 11-16-42 | November Balance 11.04 Bills payable on the 10th of month following purchase. Pay last amount OBER’S in this column. BULLOCK’S - LAWRENCE, KANSAS NAVAL AVIATION CADET SELECTION BOARD 1210 BRYANT BUILDING 11TH AND GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI January 20,19);3 Dr. Fs GC. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kase Dear Doctor: I enclose an outline of the pre-game and between halves activities which we have worked out for your doubleheader on January 29 and 30- I hope it meets with your approval and if you have any suggestion, fire them along. Ay my suggestion on Saturday night personnel from the Ofathe Naval Air Base will present a cross section of their physical conditioning activities, which I think will make an interesting featuree When North Carolina Pre-Flight school played Georgetown in football last fall cadets from Chapel Hill gave such a demonstration between halves and it was highly successful, . If it is at all possible I would appreciate greatly four tickets for Friday and Saturday nights,but don't hesitate to say no, if that's not possibles May I express the hope that you continue to have the great season that you have experienced so far, And once again, if you have anything you want to incorporate in the pre-game and between halves programs, or if they don't suit you, as set up, let me know,After all these are your games, I will send a copy of the outline to George Edwards, merely for his information. Most Sincerely, _ Theodore M, O'Leary Lieut. (jg) A-V(S), USNR Member of the Board and Public Relations Officer, HArSnes nter of the a "} the eet gn a = Ge % es ce eo me c > et? << and tekes gq he Kansas Univeral gn" % age ae 4 6 beat of santer ang in front o na = & GO filer ee the i ef anche ™ a eg banner". 83 AW on end or? 3 & GPumIea 2 era i oy FU -~ DhLem, e An 5 9s 25h re A, 3 % + the i iPing AY PO ¢ 195% Eds = 4 £ e with mu ab 2 is = moe a7 oe £. em Sames, is) Band can S c ayet £ ad 4y Wey die nt a Seo “ hte go on ipuge Lig FE +4 é ae Olathe Neval Air Station Fram will be (the order one preg PB 18, etic thi £3 en * »e 2 iota ri é abe + au VL Eyers . nm aaa oo show exemples of ee 22°78 = in ee} wees ae 4 4~ 2 * che tn aE