Mr. Charlie Black, Libboy Glass Coc, Dear Slicker: . Well, sir,. Charlie, eek) ot Bo letter long ago, but I remeuber now that when it came I spoke to irs... Hulteen, my secretary <- you perhaps remerber her as Miss Alberta Commons, the Chancellor‘s seoretary, during the time you were in’ school here -_I told.her ta. put the. letter in. the. Jayhawk Rebounds file and I would answer it along with the other letters.that came from the: boys werner ee fn Whe serviows — states. But I failed to answer it. | ie access jos wiiqectelnting ie cnaee oO Big Six championship egain. I know you will smile and say, “That oy - when he came through Detroit knew he had a hot team.” But, Charlie, I am telling you frankly, I didn't expect to win a single eastern trip game because the boys were fighting among themselves. You doubtless remember the Frosty Gox-Rub Thompson-T. CG. Bishop triangle. Well, this outfit was just like it. Frosty and Rub couldn't get along at all, nor could fT. C. and Prosty, nor could T. C. and Rub. Well, here's the ineide of this dope. Charlie Black | and John Buescher did not like Schnellbacher and Dixon. ‘They thought Paul Turner and another boy should be in the linc-up. They thought the "old mn" didn't know the right boys to pick end they were going to heip me do that. They told everybody that Schnellbacher and Dixon couldn't | do the job, and they wouldn't play with then. §o I had a little discip- ee ee es ental anit by ay ee we had started on our eastern trip. You know we lost to Creighton on Decenber 15, and on December 5 we lost to Jack Gardner’s Olathe Naval Base. The boys simply did not play with each other. So I had plenty om my hands. And then on February 8 Charlie Black took i111 with pneumonia and he pleysd but three conference games with us. Trying to break in some new faces at that late date did make it tough, but we were lucky enough to finish with a team that made a phenomenal record, considering everything. | I am telling you all of this because you mention that I + apes vether lightly about what we expected of the team, and I ee RE Fe Oe Feet of eee Qe but : >.