« Fe KH. SHELLENBAUM, PRESIDENT - H. H. OBERHELMAN, CASHIER A. V, SCHWARTZ, VICE-PRESIDENT M, C. OBERHELMAN, ASS'T CASHIER 83-609 CITIZENS STATE BANK RANDOLPH, KANSAS March 3, 1943 Des Fo OC. Ailen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I want to take this means to again thank you for the favors and hospitality afforded me this past seasone It has always been a pleasure to work for you and your boys and I sincerely trust that my work met with your approval. I want also to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to you and your boys on winning another conference championship. You have a very enviable record to say the least. Although the future is quite uncertain for many of us, I am hopeful of returning to Kansas University come another basket ball seasone Kindest regards, I remain, espectfully yours,