Oil Center, New hiexico | February 12, 19436 Dr. F. C. Alien Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas bear Doc, Again i am asking you a favor. Does it get monotonous? I hope not and I also hope that some day i tay be able to be on the "other ena of some favors," i fave applica for a Commission in the Navy. I hope to get into Physical mducation. I have been interviewed and examined and now I have to furnish several documents such as birth certificate, transcript and letters of rec- ommendation. I am wondering if you feel that you could write me a letter of recommendation? I realize that it might be hard for you to honestly vouch for me when you havent seen me or known much about me for a number of years¥® To make it easier please let me make the following state- ments; i have been happily married to one girl for seven years; ido not gemble in any way; I have kept up my financial and other obligations without any troubles; I drink only under social pressure; I have never been drunk; i have had no entanglements with the law, however slight; i fave always been regarded well in whatever community I happened to live in; i have worked steadily for the Phillips Petroleum Compely ana have enjoyed better than average advan- cemient. 1 now hold a responsible position with the company. if you do feel that you @n give me a létter of recommendation, would you please address it to "The Chief of Naval Personnel, Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. %" it is necessary. to write the letter in TRIiPLICats. You could add- poss bre SU BEEE to the above mentioned party, seal the three copies, and then drop that envelope in another envelope to me. it is necessary that I assemble all required letters and documents here before mailing them into the New Mexico headquarters. _. i will thakk you in advanee for your consideration and wish you continued success in an already successful basketbix1ll season. Very best wishes, KI Pick Cte