STERN BROTHERS & COMPANY DORMAN H. O LEARY VICE PRESIDENT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Page 2 I was very much interested in George Edwards’ letter to Gwinn Henry, and also your reply - for that matter was likewise discussed at our meeting. This whole N.C.A.A. situation, I think, needs a thorough over-hauling. If Edwards can't see that the success of his tournaments, for practical purposes, are bound up in having a Kansas team play in Kansas City, he is erazy, to wit - the attendance on the night when Kansas did play and the attendance on the nights of the finals, both this year and last year. While Missouri might draw a number of Missouri people, I don't believe they can draw more than 50 or 60% of what a Kansas team will draw in Kansas City; and the boys at the auditorium feel the same way about it. If there is anything that you want me to do in this situation, I hope you will feel perfectly free to ask me to do it. However, as long as the matter now seems to be quiet, perhaps it would be wisest to let it rest. Should anything develop which comes to me through the auditorium, I will of course look after your inter- ests and will let you know of any developments which Hai to be unfavorable to you and to the University of ansas. Veyy sincerely yours, Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director of Physical Education, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. DHO: AE