his right foot and try a one hand push shot. Speaking of push shots - do you believe that the shots are really push shots as they formerly were ? Seems to me the boys simply throw the ball and trust to luck. Just as you wrote in your letters = now that you must give the ball to your opponent after you score there is little or no chance for a team to make a last quarter drive to tie up the scores, I may be in error but it appears that you see a good ball game for three quarters but if one team is ahead by eight or nine points the losing team seems to ease up as though realizing that they do not have much chance to tie up that score. Of course, where the game is nip and tuck the teams battle it out to the final gun but in such games the close score does not correctly show the strength of the opposing teamse In many games a team that on the basis of it's personnel should win handily allows the contest to become a tight game because of wild passing and more or less wild shootings Certainly it must be admitted that the fast break makes for more wild passes < and that mch of the time gained thru elimination of the center jump is lost thru having the ball taken offside because of steps, travelling with the ball,etc. Do you agree ? Another thing I have noticed in the last year is the frequency with which a referee claims that a ball player has made a running start on his dribblee