S BASKETBALL coaches go, Mr. A Gebdrge Keogan of Notre Dame is a quiet specimen. Quite unlike the famous “Piggy” Lambert at Purdue, it is not necessary to have strong-armed guards on the bench to keep him from committing hara-kiri during a close game. So it was with some amazement that observers noted words coming from Mr. Keogan’s lips during a recent contest. He chewed silently on his un- lighted cigar and his words were sub- dued and unheated. What Mr. Keogan said was: “A fine game for a herd of buffalo.” Just that. Nothing more. Just that little bombshell, left to hang in the air like the menace of sudden death. It had the bitterness of desperation, the sourness of frustration. The point is that, although the Notre Dame teams go on winning their share of games, Mr. Keogan maintains that basketball under the present rules is a farce. Now, this is serious business be- cause basketball has more participants than any other American sport. There are grammar-school, kindergarten, high- school, college and professional teams. There are factorv teams and church- league teams; there are High-Y teams and 4-H teams; there are fat men’s teams and girls’ teams. “It was once a game of speed and cleverness,” says the quiet Mr. Keogan. “It has now been turned over almost en- tirely to the giants. They brought this about by the change in rules that elimi- nated the center jump and established a dividing line on the court. The whole thing is now a parade of goons.” These are sharp words and the Keogan gentleman is likely to get sharp looks from some of his fellow coaches for his frankness, but it will be difficult for anybody to deny that the trend toward taller players has been distinctly marked in the past few years. Arkansas has a team that averages six feet six inches. West Texas Teachers average the same, with their most important contribution being a six-foot-ten center. The very good Oregon team of two years ago averaged about six-foot-four, with the three front men averaging six-foot-six. “If you’ll watch the papers,” says Mr. Keogan, “you'll see a line like this any week of the season: ‘The game was won in the last twenty seconds when Galumph, the _ six-foot-seven giant, _tipped in a rebound.’ ”