fe F. H. SHELLENBAUM, PRESIDENT H. H. OBERHELMAN, CASHIER C. W. PETER, VICE-PRESIDENT M.C. OBERHELMAN, Ass'T CASHIER 83-609 CITIZENS STATE BANK RANDOLPH, KANSAS Feb, 16th, 1942 Dr. Forrest GC. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: Thank you very much for your kind letter of February 14th, Needless to say, it made me very happy. It has long been my desire to become, some day, a respectable basket ball official, There are of course times, as in every other line, that one feels the breaks are not in ones favor how- ever I have enjoyed very much my association with players, coaches, and others connected with this fine game. I believe I am enjoying a pretty good season and certainly count it a privilege to have included on my schedule this year the game at Lawrence the other night along with two nice assignments to Nebraska, I trust thet I will have the privilege of serving in the same capacity again at Kansas University in the future. Respectfully yours, |. Ce DAK . Me C. Oberhelman